Office of Juvenile Offender Review

Casey Gerber, Director

Phone: (608) 240-5900

Fax: (608) 240-3370

Mailing Address:

Division of Juvenile Corrections

P.O. Box 8930

Madison, WI 53708-8930

Authority of Office of Juvenile Offender Review

Chapter 938 (Juvenile Justice Code) of the Wisconsin Statutes designates the Office of Juvenile Review (OJOR) as the release and decision-making authority for youth placed in a Type 1 secured juvenile correctional facility.

Based upon input from the Joint Planning and Review Committee, OJOR issues Department Orders regarding a youth’s movement in and out of a JCI. The OJOR director works out of DOC's headquarters and supervises OJOR reviewers assigned to a JCI.

Joint Planning and Review Committee

OJOR reviewers chair the Joint Planning and Review Committee (JPRC), which determine the broad goals for the youth and engage in planning for the youth’s return to the community. They recommend to OJOR when a youth may be ready to return to the community or require a court extension of supervision.

Formal committee members include:

  • Representative from committing county
  • DJC agent (if assigned)
  • JCI social worker
  • OJOR reviewer

Informal members include:

  • Parent/guardian (non-voting member)
  • Youth (non-voting member)
  • Other formal and informal supports such as a mentor, close relative, therapist or representative from a community service provider (non-voting)

The JPRC meets formally within 21 days following a juvenile’s admission to a juvenile correctional facility and typically every three months thereafter.

OJOR Decisions

Release Authority

OJOR is the statutorily authorized release authority. JPRC members make recommendations to the OJOR reviewer regarding goals, movement of the youth out of the JCI, extension, and discharge from supervision. OJOR reviewer issues the Department Order within 7 days of a formal or routine conference.

Movement Decisions

  • Transfer from "Reception" (unit/cottage where youth stays for initial assessment and evaluation) to a JCI, and subsequent retention in a JCI
  • Placement in the Transition Phase, indicating a youth is about 90 days from release
  • Administrative transfer to type 2 status in the community (Corrective Sanctions Program (CSP), Type 2 RCC, or community phase of Serious Juvenile Offender Program)
  • Release to aftercare in the community

Special Conditions of Release

OJOR may set special conditions of community release such as requiring participation in a specific program: for example, OJOR may require a youth to participate in sex offender or AODA treatment in the community. Typically, however, the agent makes decisions regarding community programs.

Category of Placement

OJOR determines, with input from JPRC members, youth and parent/guardian, the type of community placement such as own home, foster home, group home, residential care center (RCC), type 2 RCC or CSP.


A primary DJC goal is for youth to complete a period of successful community supervision in the living
situation in which the youth will remain after the termination of his or her correctional
supervision. Some youth require an extension of the initial court commitment to participate in a
needed continuum of services and levels of supervision to accomplish this goal.