Persons in our Care Data File



The Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) does not certify or represent in any way that the information provided in the Persons in our Care Data File (PIOCDF) is accurate or complete. The information is obtained from a variety of sources, including persons in our care or other person(s) with criminal records. The DOC does not verify the accuracy of the information. The user of the information provided in the PIOCDF must take into account that the information may be inaccurate or incomplete. The DOC will not assume any responsibility for any programming, analysis, or interpretation of data that are produced by the recipient(s) of this data file.

The population data in this file includes ONLY adult persons in our care. The following are included in the data file:

  • Persons in our Care who are physically present in an adult DOC facility on the report date and Persons in our Care who are not physically in an adult DOC facility on the report date, but who have a bed held for them (e.g. out to the hospital or out to court)
  • Persons in our Care occupying contract beds (this includes some county jails and mental health facilities)
  • Interstate Corrections Compact (ICC) Persons in our Care who are serving another state’s sentence in Wisconsin or a Federal sentence in a Wisconsin facility

The following are excluded from the data file:

  • Interstate Corrections Compact (ICC) Persons in our Care who are serving Wisconsin sentences, but are physically incarcerated in other states or Federal facilities
  • Persons in our Care who are in a DOC adult facility due to a temporary hold, alternative to revocation (ATR), or short-term sanction

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