Dodge Correctional Institution

DCI Front Building Photo

Dan Cromwell​​,


(920) 324-5577
(920) 324-6354 Fax
(920) 324-6281 Reception Fax

DCI Updated Intake Property Memo July 2023.pdf                                                                 DCI Vending Memo PIOC_FINAL.pdf​​​
Visiting Information:  ​                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Visiting Info DCI 02-05-2025.pdf              Visiting Info DCI 02-05-2025 Spanish.pdf

DCI On Unit Video Visits 6-2023.pdf                                                                                                          

Reception English or Spanish 

Purpose Statement

The primary purpose of Dodge Correctional Institution (DCI) is to serve as the central reception center for all adult male inmates sentenced to prison.  DCI promotes safe communities and institution safety through humane custodial treatment and supervision of inmates.  DCI staff work collaboratively with staff from the Bureau of Offender Classification and Movement to complete a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of each inmate, determining program needs, custody level and institution placement.  In addition to this classification process, inmates transitioning through DCI participate in an orientation to the WI DOC and begin adjusting to and learning how to navigate a correctional environment, since many inmates are just beginning to acknowledge the impact of their sentence.  Inmates are supported as they transition into their incarceration and the challenges they may encounter, so that they can move forward into case planning and reintegration efforts.

In support of this mission, Dodge Correctional Institution has the following broad responsibilities:

  • To receive and facilitate the assessment of adult male inmates sentenced to prison by the court.  This process includes admission, initial record development, medical and mental health screening, and initial classification of inmates.
  • To provide safe and secure centralized transportation services for the Division of Adult Institutions.
  • To supervise the movement and restrict the freedom of inmates to the extent necessary to ensure public, staff, and inmate safety.
  • To provide training, work experience, coping skills, and other programs and services which enable and encourage constructive inmate participation and prepare for the eventual reentry of the individual inmates in the community.
  • To monitor and audit institution operations and programs for general effectiveness and achievement of specific results.
  • To administer Wisconsin State Statutes, Department of Corrections Administrative Rules, and Division of Adult Institutions policies and procedures.
  • To plan, coordinate, and administer a complex, multi-disciplinary and diverse workforce.  To provide leadership that is proactive, innovative, supportive and responsive.
  • To ensure that health care and psychological services are provided to inmates consistent with professional, community, and correctional health care standards.
  • To manage resources in the most efficient, effective, and practical manner consistent with the attainment of institution goals.

Institution Information

Chapter 29 of the Laws of 1977, authorized $2,470,000 of general obligation bonds to convert the Central State Hospital to an adult correctional facility. The first two inmates were transferred from the Waupun Correctional Institution to DCI on May 15, 1978. On October 29, 1993, ground was broken for a $45 million expansion which more than doubled the size of the facility. On June 17, 1996, the first female was admitted to DCI making it the only reception center for both male and female adult felons committed to the DOC. 

DCI served as the reception center for both males and females until December 1, 2004, when female reception was transferred to Taycheedah Correctional Institution. DCI also serves as the central medical center for the division, providing both in-patient and out-patient care for male inmates.