DOC uses the Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions tool, commonly known as COMPAS, for criminogenic risk and needs assessments and unified case planning. This actuarial risk assessment system contains offender information specifically designed to determine their risk and needs and inform dynamic case plans that will guide the offender throughout his or her lifecycle in the criminal justice system.

The lifecycle is a framework for how an offender moves through the Wisconsin criminal justice system and the decision points informed by COMPAS along the way. From the time of arrest through eventual discharge, DOC will use the lifecycle as a framework for establishing meaningful practices and interventions across jurisdictions.

Evidence Based Practices clearly state that having a sound assessment that accurately identifies an offender’s risk to reoffend is the cornerstone of effective supervision. Without a proper assessment, appropriate interventions and services cannot be delivered. Services are targeted for moderate to higher-risk offenders who are likely to reoffend if appropriate interventions are not available.

Research shows low risk offenders are less likely to commit new crimes and should be given minimal services and be excluded from intensive treatment and supervision.