Communications Office

DOC Media Line: (608) 240-5060

Email Address:

If you are not a member of the media, please call (608) 240-5000 or contact DOC for assistance.

Public records requests can be submitted directly into the public records request portal or sent to

Accredited media can email to be added to our media contact list.

Interviewing Persons in our Care (PIOCs) 

To request that the Department facilitate an interview with a person in our care (PIOC), please email and include at least the following information:

  • Full name and DOC number of the PIOC as noted in DOC's Inmate and Offender Search;

  • Your name, contact information (including phone number and email address), and organization; and

  • Any information regarding the interview you would like us to consider.

Each request is reviewed in line with state law and Department policies. Once a decision has been reached, we will advise you whether the DOC is able to facilitate your request. Typically, we are able to provide a response within one calendar week, however some requests may require additional time.

Resources for Media

PDF formatOpportunities and Options Resource Guide: Provides information on community service projects, primary treatment programs, vocational programs, education programs, and correctional industries at DOC facilities.

DOC's Data and Research Unit produces information in a number of areas, including recidivism and reincarceration and weekly population reports, as well as interactive dashboards on prison admissions, prison population, prison releases, and recidivism.

Press Releases


March 6: Apprehension Request Issued for Kirstie Pienta


December 13: PDF formatNLCI, UW-La Crosse Initiative Supports Parents in Prison

November 26: PDF format21st Monitor Report Finds Atmosphere Improved at LHS/CLS

November 11: PDF formatDOC Students Recognized for Academic Achievement 

October 17: PDF formatDOC Agents, Law Enforcement Team Up for Trick-or-Treat

October 10: PDF formatStanley Correctional Builds Beds for 'Sleep in Heavenly Peace'

October 3: PDF formatFirst Job Lab in Probation and Parole Office Opens

August 28: PDF format20th Monitor Report Shows Progress at LHS, CLS

July 22: PDF formatProgress Report: Green Bay Correctional Institution Resumes Normal Operations

June 26: PDF formatLincoln Hills Youth Counselor Dies After Assault

June 25: PDF formatTwo Staff Members Injured at Lincoln Hills School

June 5: PDF formatDOC Statement from Secretary Hoy Regarding Dodge County Sheriff Announcement

June 3: PDF formatProgress Report on Changes at Wisconsin's Correctional Institutions

May 31: PDF formatGrants Give 95 New Grads Second Chance

April 5: PDF formatClasses Resume at WCI Education Building as DOC Graduates Largest Class to Date

April 5: PDF formatLatest Report Highlights Progress at LHS, CLS

March 1: PDF formatSecretary Kevin A. Carr Announces Retirement from DOC

February 21: PDF formatDOC Celebrates 214 New Correctional Officers at Graduation

January 31: PDF formatDOC Continues to Increase Movement at Waupun, Green Bay Facilities


December 15: PDF formatDOC Celebrates Security Staff Graduates at Madison College

November 1: PDF formatMonitor Report Identifies Continued Progress at Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake

July 20: PDF formatFond du Lac Police Investigating Death at Taycheedah Correctional Institution

July 5: PDF formatMonitor Report Identifies Continued Progress at Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake

March 8: PDF formatMonitor Notes "Significant Progress" at Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake

February 23: PDF formatAssisted Needs Unit Opens at Oakhill Correctional Institution


December 6: PDF formatWisconsin DOC Launches Behavioral Motivation System at Juvenile Facilities

September 9: PDF formatStaff, Youth Positive Despite Staffing Situation at Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake

September 9: PDF formatDOC Show Off New Addition to Waupun Farm Facility

August 15: PDF formatMen at Oakhill Correctional Institution Honored for Educational Achievements

August 1: PDF formatCollaboration Helps Men Prepare to Rejoin State Workforce

August 1: PDF formatNew Entrance Procedures at DOC's Secure Facilities

June 29: PDF formatOpportunity and Hard Work Lead to Big Day for Nine Men

June 23: PDF formatHelping an Underutilized Resource Boost Wisconsin's Workforce

May 20: PDF formatFirst Group of DOC Students Earn Diplomas through New Madison College Program

April 15: PDF formatDOC Working to Add Vendors to Property Contract

April 8: PDF formatResponse to Signing of 2021 Wisconsin Act 252

March 9: PDF formatNew Report Shows Impact of DOC Programs on Recidivism

February 25:PDF formatDOC Lifting Suspension on In-Person Visits

February 2: PDF formatLatest Monitor's Report Notes Continued Progress

January 21: PDF formatDOC Provides KN95 Masks for Staff and Persons in Their Care

January 21: PDF formatDOC, MATC Celebrate Graduates, Growing Partnership

January 13: PDF formatDOC Implementing Temporary Changes as Omicron Cases Rise


December 13: PDF formatYoung Men at Racine Correctional Facility Present Work to Potential Employers

December 9: PDF formatNew Assisted Needs Facility Complete, Being Readied for Patients

November 16: PDF formatMonitor Notes Significant Improvements in Atmosphere and Morale at Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake

November 3: PDF formatWisconsin DOC Switching to Photocopied Personal Mail to Address Drug Concerns

July 27: PDF formatGraduation at Waupun Correctional Institution a First for Wisconsin DOC

July 26: PDF formatLatest Report Shows Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake Moving in Right Direction, Grappling with Change

July 15: PDF formatDOC Offering Vaccination During Visitation

April 12: PDF formatTemporary Change to Mail Processing at Fox Lake Correctional Institution

January 26: PDF formatMonitor's Report Highlights Positive Trends at Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake

January 15: PDF formatDOC, MATC Honor Fourteen Graduates

January 11: PDF formatDOC Announces New Leadership Appointments

January 7: PDF formatNew Job Center Opening at Chippewa Valley Correctional Treatment Facility


December 23: PDF formatCamp Reunite Partners with Wisconsin DOC for Special Holiday Deliveries

December 1: PDF formatWisconsin DOC Closing a Cell Hall at Waupun Correctional Institution

October 27: PDF format7th Monitor Report Highlights Continued Compliance with Court Order

October 16: PDF formatWisconsin Adopts Policy to Suspend Rather than Terminate Medicaid Coverage for Incarcerated Individuals

September 22: PDF formatAugust 1 Incident at Lincoln Hills Prompts Operational Changes

September 14: PDF formatVideo Visits Keep Those in DOC Care Connected to Loved Ones during Pandemic

September 8: PDF formatDOC's Oregon Farm Earns Achievement Award

September 3: PDF formatDOC Announces Appointments of Two Wardens

August 24: PDF formatWisconsin DOC Nursing Director Honored by Peers

August 18: PDF formatSecond Round of Mass Testing Underway at Green Bay Correctional Institution

August 13: PDF formatDOC's Division of Community Corrections Makes Major Upgrade

August 12: PDF formatMessage from DOC Secretary Kevin Carr: The Importance of Person First Language

July 20: PDF formatComprehensive Testing for COVID-19 at DOC Institutions Complete

July 16: PDF formatApril Escape Leads to Changes at Columbia Correctional Institution

July 8: PDF format6th Monitor Report Highlights Improvements at Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake

June 22: PDF formatCOVID-19 Testing More than Halfway Complete at DOC Institutions 

June 12: PDF format Klint Trevino Announced as Superintendent for Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake Schools

May 8: PDF formatWisconsin DOC Increasing COVID-19 Testing for Persons in our Care and Staff

April 17: PDF formatCapture of Columbia Correctional Institution Inmates

April 16: PDF formatColumbia Correctional Institution Escapes


August 7: PDF formatSecretary-Designee Carr Appoints Ron Hermes as new Division of Juvenile Corrections Administrator

May 8: PDF formatTeacher Appreciation Week: Thank you to Department of Corrections teachers!

May 5: PDF formatNurse Appreciation Week: Thank you to our DOC nursing staff!

May 5: PDF formatDepartment of Corrections Recognizes Staff During Correctional Employees Week

April 2: PDF formatEmployers meet with Governor Evers, Wisconsin Departments of Corrections and Workforce Development Secretary-Designees at Oakhill Job Center

January 29: PDF formatWisconsin Department of Corrections Modifies Operations due to Executive Order #7


December 20: PDF formatMinimum-Security Inmates Earn Technical College Certificates in High-Demand Occupation

November 15: PDF formatInmate Apprenticeships Provide Valuable Skills After Release

November 12: PDF formatNew Job Center Builds on Department s Success Training Inmates for Careers in the Community

October 23: PDF formatProbation and Parole Agents, Law Enforcement Work Together to Protect Communities during Halloween Trick-or-Treating

October 11: Links to external siteGrowing Our Workforce: Governor Walker Announces Plan to Expand Worker Training within Wisconsin s Correctional Institutions

August 7: PDF formatFourteen Offenders with Opioid Addictions Get a Second Chance PDF formatFact Sheet

August 6: PDF formatDepartment of Corrections Celebrates Assistance Dog Week

August 2: PDF formatDOC Announces Recruitment Fairs for Open Security Positions PDF formatCareer Fairs Flyer

July 30: PDF formatMinimum-Security Inmates Complete Technical College Certificate Program for Construction

July 9: PDF formatDOC, Hometown Heroes Host First-Ever Camp Reunite

June 28: PDF formatMinimum-Security Inmates Complete Industrial Maintenance Program

June 21: PDF formatInmates Complete Gas Metal Arc Welding Program

June 18: PDF formatInmates Complete Nicolet College Mechanical Maintenance Program

June 5: PDF formatWisconsin DOC Teams Raise Nearly $40,000 for Special Olympics

June 1: PDF formatStatement Regarding Settlement in J.J. et al v. Litscher et alPDF formatSettlement Agreement

May 23: Governor Walker Appoints Cathy Jess to Serve as Secretary of the Department of Corrections, Thanks Jon Litscher for His Many Years of Service to Wisconsin

May 18: PDF format41 Correctional Officers Graduate from Local Pre-Service Academy Held in Green Bay

May 7: PDF formatDepartment Kicks Off Correctional Employees Week PDF formatProclamation

April 20: PDF formatStanley Inmates Participate in Spring Graduation Ceremony

April 17: PDF formatDOC AND WDVA Host Resource Fairs for Incarcerated Veterans ZIP formatPictures

April 12: PDF formatInmate Workers Earn Dairy Worker Training Certificate JPG image formatPicture JPG image formatPicture

April 9: PDF formatDepartment of Corrections Recognizes Crime Victims Rights Week PDF formatProclamation

March 20: PDF formatDepartment of Corrections Reaches Settlement Regarding November 2015 Incident at Copper Lake School PDF formatSupporting Documents

March 5: PDF formatJackson Correctional Institution Hosts Appreciation Night for Can Do Canines Fosters

February 22: PDF formatDepartment of Corrections Celebrates Opioid Addiction Treatment Program Participants PDF formatProgram Fact Sheet

January 4: Governor Walker Announces Plan to Provide a Long-Term Solution for Wisconsin's Juvenile Corrections and Treatment Systems