Resuming In-Person Visitation
The Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) announced in February its decision to resume in-person visitation across all adult and juvenile correctional facilities, beginning March 1, 2022, due to a notable decrease in COVID-19 activity across the state. Visiting guidelines for in-person and video visitation may vary slightly by facility.
Scheduling a Visit

Each facility has established visiting days/hours and procedures. To schedule a visit, please select the institution from this list of Adult Facilities and review the documents under "Visiting Information" to find all site-specific guidelines.
Visitors are asked to schedule their in-person visits at least two business days (excludes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) in advance. Those without internet access can call the institution's main line. Whether calling or emailing, visitors are asked to specify whether they are requesting a Zoom or in-person visit.
All persons who wish to visit a person in our care (PIOC) must be listed on the PIOC's approved visiting list, per Administrative Code Ch. 309.08. A completed DOC-21AA Visitor Questionnaire must be submitted for all prospective visitors, including minor children. It is the PIOC's responsibility to obtain and mail the DOC-21AA to a prospective visitor. Proposed visitors must return the completed form to the institution for processing. If approved, PIOC's will be notified that a visitor has been added to their visiting list. Applicants may be denied approval for visitation on a number of grounds, which are specified in state administrative code. Applicants who are denied will receive written notice.
COVID-19 and Visiting
Based on direction from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, DOC will determine if face-to-face visitation needs to be suspended if COVID-19 cases in a specific facility or surrounding community begin to rise, or if other, unforeseen circumstances arise. All visitors are subject to COVID-19 protocols for such facilities, including rules regarding masking and testing.
Updated Expectations for Visiting
Visitors are subject to current entrance procedures for visitors. Refusal to comply with these rules may result in ending the visit. In addition, to these COVID-19 rules, General Visiting Rules will be enforced. You can find those rules and more information about visitation on our Visiting Information page.
Additional Information Related to Return to Normal Operations
DOC is resuming many normal operations that were suspended late last year, including volunteer visits, if they can be done in a safe manner that protects the health of persons in our care, staff and surrounding communities. Resumption of these programs may vary by facility, and anyone with questions about these activities should contact the institution directly or email