Secretary Carr hosts series of virtual town hall meetings
As part of our commitment to fostering productive public dialogue and serving Wisconsin citizens through transparency, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) is hosting a series of virtual town hall meetings on several strategic priorities and initiatives. These events present an opportunity for key stakeholders to hear from leadership on various subject matters, identify areas for continued improvement, ask questions and gather valuable feedback from the community.
Workforce shortages continue to impact Wisconsin businesses, causing a strain on employers in a number of industries. With nearly 9,000 individuals returning each year into our communities from incarceration, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections continues to seek out opportunities for justice-involved individuals to prepare them for the workforce. From strategic collaborations with DWD related to mobile training labs and institution job centers during incarceration to Career Technical Education programs, employment readiness activities and post-release programming, DOC is committed to disrupting incarceration through meaningful interventions.
During this town hall event,
panelists discussed how they are actively seeking out ways to promote collaboration and employment opportunities for individuals returning to the community from incarceration, and how they can be a valuable addition to the workforce. The status of work release and the impact of COVID-19 protocols on operations were also discussed. During the second half of this event, our expert panelists led a Q&A session to answer live questions from the audience.
If you were unable to attend the live event, watch a recording of the town hall below or review relevant meeting materials below:
View the PowerPoint |
Read the FAQs |
Read the Transcript