WI VINE Protective Order

WI VINE Protective Order is a service provided by the Office of Victim Services and Programs (OVSP) in partnership with local law enforcement agencies and Clerk of Courts' offices throughout the state. 

Petitioners may register to receive automated telephone or email notifications when a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) has been served by law enforcement. To register, petitioners need the 12 digit CCAP case number, county where the TRO was filed, and respondent's first and last name.

There are two ways to enroll for WI VINE Protective Order:

Online: WI VINE Protective Order

Phone: 1-855-WI VPO 4U (1-855-948-7648) 

Please be aware that petitioners will only receive a notification if the TRO is served on the respondent by a Wisconsin law enforcement agency. 

Local domestic violence or sexual assault victim advocates can provide assistance in obtaining a restraining order. Please see Resources for more information on available assistance.