Casey Gerber, Compact Administrator
Jenny McFadden, Deputy Compact Administrator
Interstate Compact for Juveniles Legal framework
The Interstate Compact for Juveniles (ICJ) is the law that regulates the interstate movement of juveniles who are under court supervision or have run away to another state. It also assists states in returning youth who have escaped or absconded across state lines. The Interstate Commission for Juveniles, made up of representatives from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the US Virgin Islands; are responsible for promulgating and enforcing rules.
The Compact Administrator is responsible for the overall implementation of the Compact and also serves as Wisconsin's representative to the Interstate Commission for Juveniles.
The Deputy Compact Administrator (DCA) serves as the point of contact on ICJ matters, working directly with county and state agencies within Wisconsin. The DCA oversees the transfer of supervision, arranges the return of runaways, escapees, absconders and accused delinquents and provides notification for out of state travel. Training is provided by the DCA to courts, agencies and law enforcement personnel.
Case Assignment
In Wisconsin, assignment of ICJ cases from other states is done according to where the youth will reside and the youth's age, as follows:
Counties in which Division of Juvenile Corrections (DJC) provides aftercare supervision – ICJ youth are assigned to a State Probation/Parole Agent.
Counties that provide their own aftercare supervision – ICJ youth are assigned to the county for supervision, if the youth is scheduled to discharge prior to their 18th birthday.
ICJ youth age 18 and older – ICJ youth are assigned to a State Probation/Parole Agent.