Interactive Dashboards

Interactive Dashboards

Interactive data dashboards provide a visual display of key data metrics. They allow users to filter for various characteristics (e.g., gender, age, etc.) to view data in greater detail than what might be available in a static report.

Click on the dropdown menus below to access the associated interactive data dashboards.

Month-End Prison Population

The Month-End Prison Population interactive dashboards allow users to examine a recent snapshot of the prison population by a variety of demographics (e.g., gender, race, age, etc.), institution, most serious offense, custody classification, time left to serve, and conviction county.

Month-End Prison Population Interactive Dashboards

Prison Admissions

The Prison Admissions interactive dashboards allow users to examine prison admissions by year, admission type, conviction county, race, and gender to develop a better understanding of prison admission trends in the state of Wisconsin.

Prison Admissions Interactive Dashboards

Prison Point-in-Time Populations

The Prison Point-in-Time interactive dashboards allow users to examine prison populations by institution, type of offense, age, race, and gender to develop a better understanding of the composition of Wisconsin’s incarcerated population.

Prison Point-in-Time Populations Interactive Dashboards

Prison Releases

The Prison Releases interactive dashboards allow users to examine prison releases by year, release type, time served, age, race, and gender to develop a better understanding of prison release trends in the state of Wisconsin.

Prison Releases Interactive Dashboards

Month-End Community Corrections Supervision Population Dashboards

The Month-End Community Corrections Supervision Population interactive dashboards allow users to examine month-end snapshots of the community corrections population by a variety of demographics, such as gender, race, and age, supervision location, most serious offense, supervision case type, and level of supervision.

Month-End Community Corrections Supervision Population Interactive Dashboards

Release from Prison Recidivism Dashboards

The Release from Prison Recidivism interactive dashboards allow users to examine trends in recidivism and recidivism rates by release year, gender, age at release, race, first WI prison admission, length of prison stay, original offense type, and region of release for all three measures of recidivism: rearrest, reconviction, and reincarceration. For those individuals who recidivate within either a one-, two-, or three-year follow-up period, the dashboards also include data on the length of time between release and the recidivism event (as defined by each respective measure of recidivism).

Release from Prison Recidivism Dashboards

Parole Dashboards

These dashboards provide insight into parole-eligible Persons in Our Care and their parole hearing outcomes. These dashboards also satisfy the reporting requirements specified in 2023 Act 31.

Parole Dashboards

Prison Primary Programs Dashboards

These dashboards provide a monthly snapshot of data related to Adult Education, Anger Management, Career Technical Education, Cognitive Behavior, Domestic Violence, Sex Offender Treatment, and Substance Use Disorder Programming within WI DOC prisons.

Prison Primary Programs Dashboards

Earned Release and Challenge Incarceration Programming Dashboards

These dashboards provide a monthly snapshot of data related to Earned Release and Challenge Incarceration Programming within WI DOC prisons.

Earned Release and Challenge Incarceration Programming Dashboards

Holds and Short-Term Sanctions

These dashboards provide weekly snapshots of data related to holds and short-term sanctions that have occurred on and since March 2, 2020.

Holds and Short-Term Sanctions Interactive Dashboards

Revocations and Other Responses to Violations Dashboards

The Revocations and Other Responses to Violations interactive dashboards allow users to examine revocations, including rates, trends, and the reasons for revocations as well as trends in other responses to violations.

Revocations and Other Responses to Violations Dashboards

Overdose Dashboards

These dashboards provide a monthly snapshot of data related to suspected overdoses among clients on community supervision.

Overdose Dashboards

Restrictive Housing Dashboards

The Restrictive Housing Dashboards provide insight into WI DOC episodes of restrictive housing (both disciplinary separation and administrative confinement) for Persons in Our Care (PIOC).

Restrictive Housing Interactive Dashboards

Division of Adult Institutions (DAI) Persons in our Care Assaults on Staff

Division of Adult Institutions (DAI) Persons in our Care Assaults Interactive Dashboards

Division of Juvenile Corrections (DJC) Youth Assaults on Staff

Division of Juvenile Corrections (DJC) Youth Assaults on Staff Interactive Dashboards

Staffing and Vacancy Dashboards

The Staffing and Vacancy Dashboards allow users to view the current total of FTE positions, FTE vacancies, and FTE vacancy rates across divisions of the WI DOC by classification group.

Staffing and Vacancy Dashboards

Climate and Engagement Survey Dashboards

The WI DOC conducted an agency-wide Climate and Engagement Survey in order to gain a better understanding of employee morale, satisfaction and engagement within the DOC. These dashboards allow users to review the survey results for a variety of topics, including Job Satisfaction, Supervisory Relations and Pay and Benefits.

Climate and Engagement Survey Dashboards