DAI Policies


The Division of Adult Institutions recognizes the public's interest in accessing divisional policies and procedures.  The policies provided below are intended only for informational purposes and are routinely updated to comply with changes to federal and state laws, Department procedures, and correctional best-practices.   

The division does not post policies that could compromise the security of a correctional facility.

3000001DAI 300.00.01 Policy Development and Revision 08-31-23300.00.01Policy Development and Revision300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative08/31/23StaffDAINo
3000002DAI 300.00.02 11-20-2022 Inmate Taxes300.00.02Inmate Taxes300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000002AttachmentADAI 300.00.02 Attachment A - IRS Blue Bag Program 02-19-18300.00.02Attachment A - IRS Blue Bag Program300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000003DAI 300.00.03 7-25-2022 HEAT AND COLD WEATHER ADVISORY300.00.03Heat and Cold Weather Advisory300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative7/25/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000004DAI 300.00.04 Devices With Activated Cellular-Wireless Capabilities - Access in DAI Facilities 03-25-24300.00.04Devices With Activated Cellular-Wireless Capabilities - Access in DAI Facilities300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/25/24StaffDAINo
3000005DAI 300.00.05 Inmate Voting 03-07-24300.00.05Inmate Voting300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/07/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000007DAI 300.00.07 Use of Inmate-Prepared Food 08-17-23300.00.07Use of Inmate-Prepared Food300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative08/17/23StaffDAINo
3000008DAI 300.00.08 3-13-2023 SALE OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PRODUCED BY PIOC300.00.08Sale of Products or Services Produced by PIOC300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative3/13/2023StaffDAINo
3000008AttachmentADAI 300.00.08 Attachment A - PIB Approved Product Types - Open Market 08-01-15300.00.08Attachment A - PIB Approved Product Types - Open Market300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000009DAI 300.00.09 Death of PIOC 05-29-24300.00.09Death of PIOC300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative05/29/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000009AttachmentADAI 300.00.09 Attachment A - Template for Requesting Information From Staff 10-15-16300.00.09Attachment A - Template for Requesting Information From Staff300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000010DAI 300.00.10 Review by Committee on Inmate and Youth Deaths 03-22-21300.00.10Review by Committee on Inmate and Youth Deaths300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/22/21StaffDAINo
3000011DAI 300.00.11 Substance Use Disorder-Earned Release Programs 09-11-24300.00.11Substance Use Disorder-Earned Release Programs300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative09/11/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000012DAI 300.00.12 Earned Release Programs 09-11-24300.00.12Earned Release Programs300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative09/11/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000012AttachmentADAI 300.00.12 Attachment A - CIP  Excluded Offenses 06-24-24300.00.12Attachment A - CIP  Excluded Offenses300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative06/24/24Inmate/StaffDAIYes
3000012AttachmentBDAI 300.00.12 Attachment B - CIP and ERP Dosage and Supporting Program Availability 08-29-18300.00.12Attachment B - CIP and ERP Dosage and Supporting Program Availability300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000015DAI 300.00.15 8-22-2022 DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF INMATE PORTFOLIO300.00.15Development and use of Inmate Portfolio300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative8/22/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000015AttachmentADAI 300.00.15 Development and Use of Inmate Portfolio - Administrator Jess Memo 01-12-15300.00.15Development and Use of Inmate Portfolio - Administrator Jess Memo300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000019DAI 300.00.19 Expungement of Inmate, Juvenile or Offender Records by Court Order 08-17-23300.00.19Expungement of Inmate, Juvenile or Offender Records by Court Order300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative08/17/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000021DAI 300.00.21 Release to Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detainers 08-31-23300.00.21Release to Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detainers300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative08/31/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000021SpanishDAI 300.00.21 Release to Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detainers - Spanish 07-01-18300.00.21Release to Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detainers - Spanish300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative07/01/18Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000022DAI 300.00.22 11-20-2022 PAROLE300.00.22Parole300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000024DAI 300.00.24 Program Notification-Approval 10-31-23300.00.24Program Notification-Approval300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative10/31/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000025DAI 300.00.25 Primary Program Status 10-15-24300.00.25Primary Program Status300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative10/15/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000025AttachmentADAI 300.00.25 Attachment A - WICS Program Tracking Status Applications 10-25-2021300.00.25Attachment A - WICS Program Tracking Status Applications300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative10/26/21*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000025AttachmentBDAI 300.00.25 Att B Initial Classification COMPAS Business Process 10-15-24300.00.25Attachment B - Initial Classification COMPAS Business Process300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative10/15/24StaffDAIYes
3000026DAI 300.00.26 Non-DOC Postsecondary 10-23-23300.00.26Non-DOC Postsecondary300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative10/23/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000027DAI 300.00.27 Medical Guardianship 08-24-23300.00.27Medical Guardianship300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative08/24/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000029DAI 300.00.29 WICS Change Management 10-15-24300.00.29WICS Change Management300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative10/15/24StaffDAINo
3000030DAI 300.00.30 Videoconferencing 04-08-24300.00.30Videoconferencing300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000035DAI 300.00.35 Americans With Disabilities Act 06-27-24300.00.35Americans With Disabilities Act300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative06/27/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000036DAI 300.00.36 11-22-2024 HEARING DISABILITIES  IDENT. DOC. PROVISION OF ACCOM 11-22-24300.00.36Hearing Disabilities: Identification, Documentation and Provision of Accommodations300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative11/22/2024Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000038DAI 300.00.38 DNA Collection Procedures 12-30-24300.00.38DNA Collection Procedures300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative12/30/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000041DAI 300.00.41 5-9-2022 COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARDS300.00.41Community Relations Boards300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative5/9/2022StaffDAINo
3000042DAI 300.00.42 6-9-2023 HONOR GUARD FOLLOWING EMPLOYEE DEATH300.00.42Honor Guard Following Employee Death300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative6/9/2023StaffDAINo
3000043DAI 300.00.43 Facility Administrative Duty Coverage 3-14-2022300.00.43Facility Administrative Duty Coverage300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/14/22StaffDAINo
3000044DAI 300.00.44 DAI Facility and Bureau Annual Reports and Division Profile 10-23-23300.00.44DAI Facility and Bureau Annual Reports and Division Profile300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative10/23/23StaffDAINo
3000047DAI 300.00.47 9-6-2022 ACCESS FOR OFFICIAL VISITORS300.00.47Access for Official Visitors300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative9/6/2022StaffDAINo
3000050DAI 300.00.50 Feature Films and Instructional Videos 12-02-24300.00.50Feature Films and Instructional Videos300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative12/02/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000055DAI 300.00.55 Case File Requests for Chapter 980 Referrals 03-16-20300.00.55Case File Requests for Chapter 980 Referrals300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/16/20StaffDAINo
3000056DAI 300.00.56 9-26-2022 NOTARY SERVICES TO INMATES300.00.56Notary Services to Inmates300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative9/26/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000057DAI 300.00.57 Hunger Strike - Inmate Refusal to Eat or Drink 01-27-25300.00.57Hunger Strike - Inmate Refusal to Eat or Drink300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative01/27/25StaffDAINo
3000057AttachmentADAI 300.00.57 Attachment A - Calculating Body Adiposity Index 11-09-16300.00.57Attachment A - Calculating Body Adiposity Index300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000058DAI 300.00.58 9-6-2022 STAFF PERSONAL PROPERTY300.00.58Staff Personal Property300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative9/6/2022StaffDAINo
3000059DAI 300.00.59 8-22-2022 EMERGENCY SERVICES CPR AND AED USE300.00.59Emergency Services CPR and AED Use300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative8/22/2022StaffDAINo
3000060DAI 300.00.60 5-9-2022 CARRYING A CONCEALED WEAPON300.00.60Carrying a Concealed Weapon300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative5/9/2022StaffDAINo
3000061DAI 300.00.61 5-9-2022 LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE FOR LEP INMATES300.00.61Language Assistance for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Inmates300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative5/9/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000061AttachmentADAI 300.00.61 Attachment - LEP Education and Treatment Plan 12-17-14300.00.61Attachment - LEP Education and Treatment Plan300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/AdministrativeInmate/StaffDAIYes
3000061SpanishDAI 300.00.61 Language Assistance for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Inmates Spanish 01-01-15300.00.61Language Assistance for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Inmates Spanish300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative01/01/15Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000062DAI 300.00.62 Training Conference Meeting and Travel Requests 03-20-18300.00.62Training Conference Meeting and Travel Requests300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/20/18StaffDAINo
3000062AttachmentADAI 300.00.62 Attachment A - Request for Overnight Distance Exemption 150 Miles 03-15-19300.00.62Attachment A - Request for Overnight Distance Exemption 150 Miles300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000062AttachmentBDAI 300.00.62 Attachment B - Request for Overnight Distance Exemption 80 Miles 03-15-19300.00.62Attachment B - Request for Overnight Distance Exemption 80 Miles300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000065DAI 300.00.65 Employee Management Communication and Collaboration Committee 12-02-24300.00.65Employee Management Communication and Collaboration Committee300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative12/02/24StaffDAINo
3000066DAI 300.00.66 Victim Attendance at a Parole Interview 01-27-25300.00.66Victim Attendance at a Parole Interview300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative01/27/25Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000067DAI 300.00.67 Digital Formatted Legal Materials 12-02-24300.00.67Digital Formatted Legal Materials300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative12/02/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000069DAI 300.00.69 7-25-2022 RECREATION EQUIPMENT AND FACILITY USE BY STAFF300.00.69Recreation Equipment and Facility Use by Staff300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative7/25/2022StaffDAINo
3000070DAI 300.00.70 Assaults by Inmate, Reporting and Tracking 03-25-24300.00.70Assaults by Inmate, Reporting and Tracking300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/25/24StaffDAINo
3000071DAI 300.00.71 Reporting Serious Incidents Events of Special Interest and Legislative Inquiries 11-15-21300.00.71Reporting Serious Incidents Events of Special Interest and Legislative Inquiries300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative11/15/21StaffDAINo
3000071AttachmentADAI 300.00.71 Attachment A - DAI Incident Reporting Guidelines 09-03-14300.00.71Attachment A - DAI Incident Reporting Guidelines300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000071AttachmentBDAI 300.00.71 Attachment B - Reporting Serious Incidents, Events of Special Interest and Legislative Inquiries - 05-14-18doc300.00.71Attachment B - Reporting Serious Incidents, Events of Special Interest and Legislative Inquiries300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative*** N/A ***DAIYes
3000073DAI 300.00.73 7-25-2022 CORRESPONDENCE TRACKING DATABASE300.00.73Correspondence Tracking Database300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative7/25/2022StaffDAINo
3000073AttachmentDAI 300.00.73 7-25-2022 ATT- DAI CORRESPONDENCE RECOMMENDED GUIDELINES300.00.73Attachment - DAI Correspondence Recommended Guidelines300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative7/25/2022StaffDAIYes
3000075DAI 300.00.75 Climate Reporting 09-17-18300.00.75Climate Reporting300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative09/17/18StaffDAINo
3000076DAI 300.00.76 Safety Glasses 03-25-24300.00.76Safety Glasses300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/25/24StaffDAINo
3000077DAI 300.00.77 Field Training Officer Program 12-30-24300.00.77Field Training Officer Program300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative12/30/24StaffDAINo
3000078DAI 300.00.78 Name of Inmate and Changes to Name 08-31-23300.00.78Name of Inmate and Changes to Name300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative08/31/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000079DAI 300.00.79 Media 03-25-24300.00.79Media300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/25/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000080DAI 300.00.80 3-13-2023 USE OF 2751 FOR PIOC PROOF OF SERVICE300.00.80Use of 2751 for PIOC Proof of Service300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative3/13/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000081DAI 300.00.81 11-20-2022 MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING-RECORDING INTERVIEWS300.00.81Motivational Interviewing - Recording Interviews300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000082DAI 300.00.82 Inmate Use of Social Media 09-07-23300.00.82Inmate Use of Social Media300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative09/07/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000083DAI 300.00.83 Facility Tours 03-25-24300.00.83Facility Tours300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/25/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3000092DAI 300.00.92 Background Checks 03-25-24300.00.92Background Checks300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/25/24StaffDAINo
3000092AttachmentADAI 300.00.92Attachment A 3-25-2024 ATT. A INDIV PROMPTING FURTHER INVEST   POSSIBLE DENIAL300.00.92Attachment A - Individuals Prompting Further Investigation and Possible Denial300 | Internal Management Procedures Miscellaneous/Administrative03/25/24StaffDAIYes
3020001DAI 302.00.01 BOCM Reclassification Committee Membership 10-31-23302.00.01BOCM Reclassification Committee Membership302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation10/31/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020002DAI 302.00.02 6-9-2023 INTERGOVERNMENTAL-INTERSTATE TRANSFERS OF PIOC302.00.02Intergovernmental-Interstate Transfers of PIOC302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation6/9/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020002AttachmentADAI 302.00.02 Attachment - Property Limits 08-15-16302.00.02Attachment - Property Limits302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation*** N/A ***DAIYes
3020003DAI 302.00.03 5-9-2022 INTERNATIONAL TRANSFER OF INMATES302.00.03International Transfer of Inmates302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation5/9/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020005DAI 302.00.05 Inmate Request for Placement in DOC Contracted Facilities 09-11-24302.00.05Inmate Request for Placement in DOC Contracted Facilities302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation09/11/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020009DAI 302.00.09 11-20-2022 CERTAIN EARNED RELEASES302.00.09Certain Earned Releases302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020009EnglishDAI 302.00.09 CER Positive Adjustment Time - Administrator Inmate Memo English 03-28-17302.00.09CER Positive Adjustment Time - Administrator Inmate Memo English302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation*** N/A ***DAIYes
3020009SpanishDAI 302.00.09 CER Positive Adjustment Time - Administrator Inmate Memo Spanish 03-28-17302.00.09CER Positive Adjustment Time - Administrator Inmate Memo Spanish302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation*** N/A ***DAIYes
3020011DAI 302.00.11 Risk Reduction Sentence 10-15-24302.00.11Risk Reduction Sentence302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation10/15/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020013DAI 302.00.13 11-20-2022 TIS PETITION MODIFY SENTENCE FOR GER HLTH CONDITION302.00.13TIS Petition to Modify Sentence for Geriatric/Extraordinary Health Condition302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020014(S)DAI 302.00.14 Petition of Sentence Adjustment to Court - 75 and 85perc Spanish 8-15-16302.00.14Petition of Sentence Adjustment to Court - 75 and 85% Spanish302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation8/15/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020014DAI 302.00.14 3-13-2023 PETITION OF SENTENCE ADJUSTMENT TO COURT-75 AND 85_302.00.14Petition of Sentence Adjustment to Court - 75 and 85%302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation3/13/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020018DAI 302.00.18 3-13-2023 PAT-PETITION OF SENTENCE ADJUSTMENT TO COURT302.00.18Positive Adjustment Time - Petition of Sentence Adjustment to Court302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation3/13/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020020DAI 302.00.20 Placement of Juveniles in Adult Correctional Sites 02-22-21302.00.20Placement of Juveniles in Adult Correctional Sites302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation02/22/21StaffDAINo
3020021DAI 302.00.21 Truth in Sentencing-Petition to Modify Court-Imposed Conditions of Ext Sup 11-21-23302.00.21Truth in Sentencing-Petition to Modify Court-Imposed Conditions of Ext Sup302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation11/21/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3020022DAI 302.00.22 Facility Security Designation 08-17-23302.00.22Facility Security Designation302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation08/17/23StaffDAINo
3021001DAI 302.10.01 3-20-2023 PIOC RETENTION PROGRAM302.10.01PIOC Retention Program302 | Assessment and Evaluation, Security Classification and Sentence Computation3/20/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3030002DAI 303.00.02 Restrictive Housing Programs and Review 09-11-24303.00.02Restrictive Housing Programs and Review303 | Discipline09/11/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3030003DAI 303.00.03 Temporary Lock Up 08-17-23303.00.03Temporary Lock Up303 | Discipline08/17/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3030004DAI 303.00.04 Disciplinary Guidelines 05-13-24303.00.04Disciplinary Guidelines303 | Discipline05/13/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3030005DAI 303.00.05 Law Enforcement Referrals 01-27-25303.00.05Law Enforcement Referrals303 | Discipline01/27/25StaffDAINo
3037201DAI 303.72.01 7-25-2022 ESTABLISHING RESTITUTION FOR DISCIPLINARY DISPOSITIONS (003)303.72.01Establishing Restitution for disciplinary Dispositions303 | Discipline7/25/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3060001DAI 306.00.01 Electronic Monitoring Surveillance 08-09-21306.00.01Electronic Monitoring Surveillance306 | Security08/09/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
3060006DAI 306.00.06 Inmate Digital Photo Identification System 02-22-21306.00.06Inmate Digital Photo Identification System306 | Security02/22/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
3060011DAI 306.00.11 3_13_2023 RESTRICTIVE HOUSING MEAL RESTRICTIONS306.00.11Restrictive Housing Meal Restrictions306 | Security03/13/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3060012DAI 306.00.12 8-22-2022 NOTIFICATION AND VISITATION OF INPATIENT INMATES306.00.12Notification and Visitation of Inpatient Inmates306 | Security8/22/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3060016DAI 306.00.16 6-20-2022 Contraband306.00.16Contraband306 | Security6/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3060051DAI 306.00.51 Single Occupancy Cell Placement 12-23-24306.00.51Single Occupancy Cell Placement306 | Security12/23/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3060501DAI 306.05.01 Protective Confinement 12-30-24306.05.01Protective Confinement306 | Security12/30/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3061001DAI 306.10.01 Handling Mail-borne  Chemical and Biological Threats 10-18-21306.10.01Handling Mail-borne  Chemical and Biological Threats306 | Security10/18/21StaffDAINo
3061601DAI 306.16.01 Use of Body Cameras 03-14-22306.16.01Use of Body Cameras306 | Security03/14/22StaffDAINo
3061701DAI 306.17.01 PIOC Drug Testing 08-20-24306.17.01PIOC Drug Testing306 | Security08/20/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3062223DAI 306.22.23 Suspension of Rules 01-27-25306.22.23Suspension of Rules306 | Security01/27/25StaffDAINo
3080001DAI 308.00.01 Administrative Confinement-Restrictive Housing 01-27-25308.00.01Administrative Confinement-Restrictive Housing308 | Administrative Confinement01/27/2025Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090001DAI 309.00.01 Inmate Work Placement 10-07-24309.00.01Inmate Work Placement309 | Resources for Inmates10/07/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090006DAI 309.00.06 Inmate Marriages 12-20-21309.00.06Inmate Marriages309 | Resources for Inmates12/20/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090008DAI 309.00.08 Death Bed and Memorial Visitation Within A Facility 01-27-25309.00.08Death Bed and Memorial Visitation Within A Facility309 | Resources for Inmates01/27/25Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090050DAI 309.00.50 Pornography 01-06-20309.00.50Pornography309 | Resources for Inmates01/06/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090051DAI 309.00.51 Medicaid Application 10-31-23309.00.51Medicaid Application309 | Resources for Inmates10/31/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090052DAI 309.00.52 8-22-2022 WRITING AND SEEKING PUBLICATION OF WRITTEN WORKS309.00.52Writing and Seeking Publication of Written Works309 | Resources for Inmates8/22/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090053DAI 309.00.53 Kiosks 06-18-18309.00.53Kiosks309 | Resources for Inmates06/18/18Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090401DAI 309.04.01 Inmate Mail 10-15-24309.04.01Inmate Mail309 | Resources for Inmates10/15/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090402DAI 309.04.02 Introduction of External PIOC Paperwork into the Facility 09-10-24309.04.02Introduction of External PIOC Paperwork into the Facility309 | Resources for Inmates09/10/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090501DAI 309.05.01 Selection of Library Materials 10-10-24309.05.01Selection of Library Materials309 | Resources for Inmates10/10/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090601DAI 309.06.01 3-20-2023 VISITING309.06.01Visiting309 | Resources for Inmates3/20/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090601AttachmentDAI 309.06.01 Visiting - Frequently Proposed Visitor Screening Scenarios 08-28-17309.06.01Frequently Proposed Visitor Screening Scenarios309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3090602DAI 309.06.02 6-9-2023 VISITOR ENTRANCE-SPECIAL NEEDS309.06.02Visitor Entrance - Special Needs309 | Resources for Inmates6/9/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090603DAI 309.06.03 Non-DOC Personnel Business and Professional Visitors309.06.03Non-DOC Personnel Business and Professional Visitors309 | Resources for Inmates08/20/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3090603Attachment ADAI 309.06.03 Non-DOC Personnel Business and Professional Visitors Att. A 09-24-24309.06.03Attachment A - Category, Training & Status Matrix309 | Resources for Inmates09/24/24StaffDAIYes
3090603AttachmentBDAI 309.06.03 Non-DOC Personnel Business and Professional Visitors Att. B 09-18-24309.06.03Attachment B - Records Instructions309 | Resources for Inmates09/18/24StaffDAIYes
3090603AttachmentCDAI 309.06.03 Non-DOC Personnel Business and Professional Visitors Att. C 08-20-24309.06.03Attachment C - Proposals for Third Party Program Initiatives & Requests for Grant Application Support309 | Resources for Inmates08/20/24Inmate/StaffDAIYes
3091501DAI 309.15.01 Law Library 10-31-23309.15.01Law Library309 | Resources for Inmates10/31/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3091501AttachmentADAI 309.15.01 Attachment A - Legal Research Collection 11-15-15309.15.01Attachment A - Legal Research Collection309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3091501AttachmentBDAI 309.15.01 Attachment B - Legal Forms Resources 11-15-15309.15.01Attachment B - Legal Forms Resources309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3092002DAI 309.20.02 11-20-2022 STATE OF WISCONSIN IDENTIFICATION CARD309.20.02State of Wisconsin Identification Card309 | Resources for Inmates11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3092003DAI 309.20.03 Inmate Personal Property and Clothing 01-27-25309.20.03Inmate Personal Property and Clothing309 | Resources for Inmates01/27/25Inmate/StaffDAINo
3092003AttachmentADAI 309.20.03 Attachment A Personal Property Chart 09-27-24309.20.03Attachment A - Personal Property Chart309 | Resources for Inmates09/27/2024Inmate/StaffDAIYes
3092003AttachmentBDAI 309.20.03 Attachment B - Hobby Property Chart 12-02-24309.20.03Attachment B - Hobby Property Chart309 | Resources for Inmates12/02/2024Inmate/StaffDAIYes
3092003AttachmentCDAI 309.20.03 Attachment C - Grandfathered Property Chart 09-11-24309.20.03Attachment C - Grandfathered Property Chart309 | Resources for Inmates09/11/24Inmate/StaffDAIYes
3092401DAI 309.24.01 3-13-2023 PERSONAL HYGIENE AND HAIRDRESSING309.24.01Personal Hygiene and Hairdressing309 | Resources for Inmates3/13/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3093901DAI 309.39.01Monitoring and Recording of Inmate Telephone Calls 10-18-21309.39.01Monitoring and Recording of Inmate Telephone Calls309 | Resources for Inmates10/18/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
3094502DAI 309.45.02 Inmate Trust System Deductions 10-15-17309.45.02Inmate Trust System Deductions309 | Resources for Inmates10/15/17Inmate/StaffDAINo
3094502AttachmentADAI 309.45.02 Attachment A - Release Funds Allowable Uses 10-30-20309.45.02Attachment A - Release Funds Allowable Uses309 | Resources for Inmates10/30/20*** N/A ***DAIYes
3094502AttachmentBDAI 309.45.02 Attachment B - Administrator Memo 09-22-17309.45.02Attachment B - Administrator Memo309 | Resources for InmatesInmate/StaffDAIYes
3094502AttachmentBSpanishDAI 309.45.02 Attachment B - Administrator Memo Spanish 09-22-17309.45.02Attachment B - Administrator Memo Spanish309 | Resources for InmatesInmate/StaffDAIYes
3094503DAI 309.45.03 Social Security, Federal, State and County Benefits 02-03-25309.45.03Social Security, Federal, State and County Benefits309 | Resources for Inmates02/03/25Inmate/StaffDAINo
3094601DAI 309.46.01 11-20-2022 INTEREST BEARING ACCOUNTS309.46.01Interest Bearing Accounts309 | Resources for Inmates11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3095101DAI 309.51.01 Legal Loans 03-25-24309.51.01Legal Loans309 | Resources for Inmates03/25/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3095101AttachmentADAI 309.51.01 Legal Loans Inmate Memo 01-01-13309.51.01Legal Loans - Inmate Memo309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3095101SpanishDAI 309.51.01 Legal Loans - Inmate Memo Spanish 01-01-13309.51.01Legal Loans - Inmate Memo Spanish309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3095201DAI 309.52.01 7-25-2022 INMATE CANTEEN309.52.01Inmate Canteen309 | Resources for Inmates7/25/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3095501DAI 309.55.01 Inmate Compensation Plan 10-21-16309.55.01Inmate Compensation Plan309 | Resources for Inmates10/21/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
3095501AttachmentADAI 309.55.01 Inmate Compensation Plan - Administrator Memo 06-01-16309.55.01Inmate Compensation Plan - Administrator Memo309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3095501SpanishDAI 309.55.01 Inmate Compensation Plan - Administrator Memo Spanish 06-01-16309.55.01Inmate Compensation Plan - Administrator Memo Spanish309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3095502DAI 309.55.02 8-22-2022 LAY-IN AND SICK CELL STATUS309.55.02Lay-in and Sick Cell Status309 | Resources for Inmates8/22/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3095503DAI 309.55.03 Adult Basic Education 09-14-20309.55.03Adult Basic Education309 | Resources for Inmates09/14/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
3095505DAI 309.55.05 Postsecondary Education Opportunities for Inmates 02-03-25309.55.05Postsecondary Education Opportunities for Inmates309 | Resources for Inmates02/03/25Inmate/StaffDAINo
3095506DAI 309.55.06 3-13-2023 NOTICE UNDER FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS PRIVACY ACT309.55.06Notice Under Family Educational Rights Privacy Act309 | Resources for Inmates3/13/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3095601dai 309.56.01 Technology Devices and Services 09-11-24309.56.01Technology Devices and Services309 | Resources for Inmates09/11/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3096101DAI 309.61.01 12-1-2022 RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND PRACTICES309.61.01RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND PRACTICES309 | Resources for Inmates12/1/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3096101AttachmentADAI 309.61.01 Attachment A - Congregate Religious 01-22-19309.61.01Attachment A - Congregate Religious309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3096101AttachmentASpanishDAI 309.61.01 Attachment A - Congregate Religious Spanish 01-22-19309.61.01Attachment A - Congregate Religious Spanish309 | Resources for InmatesInmate/StaffDAIYes
3096101ATTACHMENTBDAI 309.61.01 12-1-2022 ATTACHMENT B INSTRUCTIONS FOR REIMBURSING REL VOL309.61.01Attachment B - Instructions for Reimbursing Religious Volunteers309 | Resources for Inmates12/01/2022StaffDAIYes
3096102DAI 309.61.02 11-20-2022 RELIGIOUS PROPERTY309.61.02Religious Property309 | Resources for Inmates11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3096102AttachmentADAI 309.61.02 Attachment - Religious Property Chart 06-16-23309.61.02Attachment - Religious Property Chart309 | Resources for InmatesInmate/StaffDAIYes
3096103DAI 309.61.03 Religious Diet 12-01-20309.61.03Religious Diet309 | Resources for Inmates12/01/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
3096103AttachmentADAI 309.61.03 Attachment A - Kosher Symbols 01-01-16309.61.03Attachment A - Kosher Symbols309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3096103AttachmentBDAI 309.61.03 Attachment B - Religious Diet Participation Agreement 01-01-16309.61.03Attachment B - Religious Diet Participation Agreement309 | Resources for Inmates*** N/A ***DAIYes
3097001DAI 309.70.01 11-20-2022 CERTIFIED PEER SPECIALIST309.70.01Certified Peer Specialist309 | Resources for Inmates11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3100001DAI 310.00.01 11-20-2022 INMATE COMPLAINTS REGARDING STAFF MISCONDUCT310.00.01Inmate Complaints Regarding Staff Misconduct310 | Complaint Procedures11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3100003DAI 310.00.03 8-17-2023 PIOC PROPERTY DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE310.00.03PIOC Property Depreciation Schedule310 | Complaint Procedures8/17/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
3100003Attachment ADAI 310.00.03 Att-A Inmate Property Depreciation Schedule and Calculator310.00.03Attachment A - Inmate Property Depreciation Schedule and Calculator310 | Complaint Procedures*** N/A ***Inmate/StaffDAIYes
3160001DAI 316.00.01 Inmate Copayment for Health Services 04-08-24316.00.01Inmate Copayment for Health Services316 | Medical, Dental, Nursing Copayment Charge04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3160001AttachmentADAI 316.00.01 Attachment A - Copayment Table 11-01-17316.00.01Attachment A - Copayment Table316 | Medical, Dental, Nursing Copayment Charge*** N/A ***DAIYes
3160001SpanishDAI 316.00.01 Attachment A - Copayment Table Spanish 11-01-17316.00.01Attachment A - Copayment Table Spanish316 | Medical, Dental, Nursing Copayment Charge*** N/A ***DAIYes
3240001DAI 324.00.01 Work and Study Release 05-29-24324.00.01Work and Study Release324 | Work Study Release for Inmates05/29/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3250001DAI 325.00.01 Temporary Release Under Supervision - General 08-17-23325.00.01Temporary Release Under Supervision - General325 | Temporary Release Under Supervision08/17/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
3250002DAI 325.00.02 Temporary Release Under Supervision - Funeral and Death Bed Visits 02-03-25325.00.02Temporary Release Under Supervision - Funeral and Death Bed Visits325 | Temporary Release Under Supervision02/03/25Inmate/StaffDAINo
3250003DAI 325.00.03 Release Under Supervision - Hospice Facility 08-20-24325.00.03Release Under Supervision - Hospice Facility325 | Temporary Release Under Supervision08/20/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3250004DAI 325.00.04 PIOC Drivers - Licensed Vehicles 12-23-24325.00.04PIOC Drivers - Licensed Vehicles325 | Temporary Release Under Supervision12/23/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3250005DAI 325.00.05 Temporary Release - Writ of Habeas Corpus - Order to Produce 12-13-21325.00.05Temporary Release - Writ of Habeas Corpus - Order to Produce325 | Temporary Release Under Supervision12/13/21StaffDAINo
3250008DAI 325.00.08 Minimum Custody Inmates Offsite Authorization 05-29-24325.00.08Minimum Custody Inmates Offsite Authorization325 | Temporary Release Under Supervision05/29/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3250009DAI 325.00.09 Project Crews 05-29-24325.00.09Project Crews325 | Temporary Release Under Supervision05/29/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
3250010DAI 325.00.10 Community Services 10-23-23325.00.10Community Services325 | Temporary Release Under Supervision10/23/23StaffDAINo
3281401DAI 328.14.01 11-20-2022 INTERSTATE COMPACT FOR PAROLE SUPERVISION TRANSFER328.14.01Interstate Compact for Parole Supervision Transfer328 | Out of State Supervision and Interstate Transfer11/20/2022Inmate/StaffDAINo
3281401AttachmentDAI 328.14.01 11-20-2022 ATT- ICOTS ENTRY PROCEDURES328.14.01Attachment - ICOTS Entry Procedures328 | Out of State Supervision and Interstate Transfer11/20/2022StaffDAIYes
4100001DAI 410.00.01 PREA Compliance Review of Contracted Facilities 10-15-24410.00.01PREA Compliance Review of Contracted Facilities410 | Prison Rape Elimination Act10/15/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
4102001DAI 410.20.01 Inmate PREA Education 05-29-24410.20.01Inmate PREA Education410 | Prison Rape Elimination Act05/29/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
4103001DAI 410.30.01 Screening for Risk of Sexual Abusiveness and Sexual Victimization 11-21-23410.30.01Screening for Risk of Sexual Abusiveness and Sexual Victimization410 | Prison Rape Elimination Act11/21/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
4104001DAI 410.40.01 Unannounced Supervisory Rounds 10-15-24410.40.01Unannounced Supervisory Rounds410 | Prison Rape Elimination Act10/15/24StaffDAINo
4104002DAI 410.40.02 3-20-2023 OPPOSITE GENDER VIEWING AND ANNOUNCING410.40.02Opposite Gender Viewing and Announcing410 | Prison Rape Elimination Act3/20/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
4105001dai 410.50.01 Sexual Abuse Incident Review 05-29-24410.50.01Sexual Abuse Incident Review410 | Prison Rape Elimination Act05/29/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
4105004DAI 410.50.04 Support Services and Retaliation Monitoring 10-15-24410.50.04Support Services and Retaliation Monitoring410 | Prison Rape Elimination Act10/15/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
4105005DAI 410.50.05 Staffing Plan 05-29-24410.50.05Staffing Plan410 | Prison Rape Elimination Act05/29/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
4105006DAI 410.50.06 Coordinated Response Plan 10-15-24410.50.06Coordinated Response Plan410 | Prison Rape Elimination Act10/15/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5000001DAI 500.00.01 Advance Directives for Health Care 09-22-15500.00.01Advance Directives for Health Care500 | Heath Services09/22/15Inmate/StaffDAINo
5000002DAI 500.00.02 Emergency Prescribed Medication for Self-Admin by Patients 08-20-24500.00.02Emergency Prescribed Medication for Self-Admin by Patients500 | Heath Services08/20/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5000004DAI 500.00.04 Reporting Health Concerns to On-Call Nursing Staff 02-03-25500.00.04Reporting Health Concerns to On-Call Nursing Staff500 | Heath Services02/03/25Inmate/StaffDAINo
5000005DAI 500.00.05 Medical Observation and Monitoring 08-31-20500.00.05Medical Observation and Monitoring500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5000010Dai 500.00.10 Long Term Care Unit 04-08-24500.00.10Long Term Care Unit500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5000011DAI 500.00.11 Assisted Needs Unit 08-20-24500.00.11Assisted Needs Unit500 | Heath Services08/20/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001001DAI 500.10.01 Medical Autonomy 08-31-20docx500.10.01Medical Autonomy500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001002DAI 500.10.02 Health Services Policy and Procedure Development and Revisions 08-31-20500.10.02Health Services Policy and Procedure Development and Revisions500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001003DAI 500.10.03 Administrative Meetings and Reports 08-31-20500.10.03Administrative Meetings and Reports500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001005DAI 500.10.05 On-Call Advanced Care Provider Coverage 12-09-24500.10.05On-Call Advanced Care Provider Coverage500 | Heath Services12/09/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001007DAI 500.10.07 Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber Physician Collaboration Relationship 12-09-24500.10.07Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber Physician Collaboration Relationship500 | Heath Services12/09/24StaffDAINo
5001008DAI 500.10.08 Access to Care 08-20-24500.10.08Access to Care500 | Heath Services08/20/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001012DAI 500.10.12 Prior Authorization Guidelines for Non-Urgent Care (Class III) 04-08-24500.10.12Prior Authorization Guidelines for Non-Urgent Care (Class III)500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001017DAI 500.10.17 Diagnostic-Rehabilitation Services On-Site 04-08-24500.10.17Diagnostic-Rehabilitation Services On-Site500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001018DAI 500.10.18 Patient Transport and Escort 12-02-24500.10.18Patient Transport and Escort500 | Heath Services12/02/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001021DAI 500.10.21 Medical Emergency Response Plan 03-22-21500.10.21Medical Emergency Response Plan500 | Heath Services03/22/21StaffDAINo
5001023DAI 500.10.23 Grievance Process for Health Care Complaints 08-20-24500.10.23Grievance Process for Health Care Complaints500 | Heath Services08/20/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001027DAI 500.10.27 Continuous Quality Improvement Plan 12-16-24500.10.27Continuous Quality Improvement Plan500 | Heath Services12/16/24StaffDAINo
5001028DAI 500.10.28 Clinic Space Equipment and Supplies 12-09-24500.10.28Clinic Space Equipment and Supplies500 | Heath Services12/09/24StaffDAINo
5001029DAI 500.10.29 PIOC Special Needs Worker500.10.29PIOC Special Needs Worker500 | Heath Services12/09/2024Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001030DAI 500.10.30 11-28-2022 STAFFING500.10.30Staffing500 | Heath Services11/28/2022StaffDAINo
5001031DAI 500.10.31 Clinical Performance Enhancement 08-31-20500.10.31Clinical Performance Enhancement500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001032DAI 500.10.32 Staff Safety 02-03-25500.10.32Staff Safety500 | Heath Services02/03/25StaffDAINo
5001033DAI 500.10.33 Patient Safety 08-20-24500.10.33Patient Safety500 | Heath Services08/20/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001035DAI 500.10.35 Access to Custody Information 02-04-19500.10.35Access to Custody Information500 | Heath Services02/04/19Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001036DAI 500.10.36 Responsible Health Authority 02-03-25500.10.36Responsible Health Authority500 | Heath Services02/03/25StaffDAINo
5001037DAI 500.10.37 Clinical Preventive Services 01-11-21500.10.37Clinical Preventive Services500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001101DAI 500.11.01 4-8-2024 CREDENTIALS500.11.01Credentials500 | Heath Services4/8/2024StaffDAINo
5001101AttADAI 500.11.01 Attachment A 02-09-24500.11.01Attachment A - Required Credentials of Health Care Staff500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5001103DAI 500.11.03 Orientation of Health Service Employees 04-01-24500.11.03Orientation of Health Service Employees500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001104DAI 500.11.04 Health Training for Correctional Officers 04-01-24500.11.04Health Training for Correctional Officers500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5001106DAI 500.11.06 Naloxone  Carry 08-20-24500.11.06Naloxone  Carry500 | Heath Services08/20/24StaffDAINo
5002001DAI 500.20.01 Tuberculosis Testing Program - Employee 12-09-24500.20.01Tuberculosis Testing Program - Employee500 | Heath Services12/09/24StaffDAINo
5002002DAI 500.20.02 Employee Hepatitis B Vaccination Program 01-17-24500.20.02Employee Hepatitis B Vaccination Program500 | Heath Services01/17/24StaffDAINo
5002003DAI 500.20.03 Management of Employee Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens 08-31-20500.20.03Management of Employee Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003002DAI 500.30.02 3-13-2023 SPECIALTY CONSULTATIONS500.30.02Specialty Consultations500 | Heath Services3/13/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003003DAI 500.30.03 Medical Examinations by Non-DOC Providers 08-24-23500.30.03Medical Examinations by Non-DOC Providers500 | Heath Services08/24/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003005DAI 500.30.05 Palliative Care Program 08-06-24500.30.05Palliative Care Program500 | Heath Services08/06/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003006DAI 500.30.06 Transfer of Patient 04-08-24500.30.06Transfer of Patient500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003007DAI 500.30.07 5-5-2023 SPECIAL NEEDS500.30.07Special Needs500 | Heath Services5/5/2023Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003007Attachment1DAI 500.30.07 5-5-2023 ATT 1 - GUIDELINES FOR RESTRICTIONS-SPECIAL NEEDS500.30.07Appendix 1 - Guidelines for Restrictions/Special Needs500 | Heath Services5/5/2023Inmate/StaffDAIYes
5003008DAI 500.30.08 Infirmary Level Care 04-01-24500.30.08Infirmary Level Care500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003009DAI 500.30.09 Provision of Services to Pregnant Patients 01-25-21500.30.09Provision of Services to Pregnant Patients500 | Heath Services01/25/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003011DAI 500.30.11 Daily Handling of Non-Emergency Requests for Health Care 01-17-24500.30.11Daily Handling of Non-Emergency Requests for Health Care500 | Heath Services01/17/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003013DAI 500.30.13 Organ Transplants-Donations 09-07-23500.30.13Organ Transplants-Donations500 | Heath Services09/07/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003016DAI 500.30.16 Restrictive Housing Patient Health Care 10-23-23500.30.16Restrictive Housing Patient Health Care500 | Heath Services10/23/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003017DAI 500.30.17 Delegation Protocols 04-01-24500.30.17Delegation Protocols500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003018DAI 500.30.18 Nursing Assessment Protocols and Procedures 10-23-23500.30.18Nursing Assessment Protocols and Procedures500 | Heath Services10/23/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003019DAI 500.30.19 Sexual Abuse - Health Services Unit Procedure in the Event of Sexual Abuse 11-21-23500.30.19Sexual Abuse - Health Services Unit Procedure in the Event of Sexual Abuse500 | Heath Services11/21/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003020DAI 500.30.20 Involuntary Administration of Psychotropic Medications 04-08-24500.30.20Involuntary Administration of Psychotropic Medications500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003022DAI 500.30.22 Forensic Information 08-24-23500.30.22Forensic Information500 | Heath Services08/24/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003023DAI 500.30.23 Restrictions to Reduce Health Care Risks 11-21-23500.30.23Restrictions to Reduce Health Care Risks500 | Heath Services11/21/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003024DAI 500.30.24 Modified Diets for Medical-Dental Reasons 10-23-23500.30.24Modified Diets for Medical-Dental Reasons500 | Heath Services10/23/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003027DAI 500.30.27 Medical Classification Report 10-23-23500.30.27Medical Classification Report500 | Heath Services10/23/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003035DAI 500.30.35 Optometry Services 11-21-23500.30.35Optometry Services500 | Heath Services11/21/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003040DAI 500.30.40 Medical Clearance for the Challenge Incarceration Program 10-01-16500.30.40Medical Clearance for the Challenge Incarceration Program500 | Heath Services10/01/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003044DAI 500.30.44 Protective Restraints 11-21-23500.30.44Protective Restraints500 | Heath Services11/21/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003049DAI 500.30.49 Initial Health Assessment 08-31-20doc500.30.49Initial Health Assessment500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003050DAI 500.30.50 Physical-Occupational Therapy 01-17-24500.30.50Physical-Occupational Therapy500 | Heath Services01/17/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003051DAI 500.30.51 Intravenous 02-15-17500.30.51Intravenous500 | Heath Services02/15/17Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003051AttachmentADAI 500.30.51 Attachment - Access Care and Maintenance 02-15-17500.30.51Attachment - Access Care and Maintenance500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5003052DAI 500.30.52 Privacy of Care 01-17-24500.30.52Privacy of Care500 | Heath Services01/17/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003054DAI 500.30.54 Informed Consent and Right to Refuse Treatment 01-17-24500.30.54Informed Consent and Right to Refuse Treatment500 | Heath Services01/17/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003055DAI 500.30.55 Patients with Chronic Disease Services and Other Special Needs 08-24-23500.30.55Patients with Chronic Disease Services and Other Special Needs500 | Heath Services08/24/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003056DAI 500.30.56 Receiving Screening 02-26-24500.30.56Receiving Screening500 | Heath Services02/26/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003057DAI 500.30.57 Information on Health Services 09-07-23500.30.57Information on Health Services500 | Heath Services09/07/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003058DAI 500.30.58 Communication on Patient's Health Needs 12-23-24500.30.58Communication on Patient's Health Needs500 | Heath Services12/23/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003059DAI 500.30.59 Discharge Planning 09-07-23500.30.59Discharge Planning500 | Heath Services09/07/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003061DAI 500.30.61 Healthy Lifestyle Promotion 04-01-24500.30.61Healthy Lifestyle Promotion500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003062DAI 500.30.62 Positive Airway Pressure Therapy - Auto-CPAP-Bi-level 01-11-21500.30.62Positive Airway Pressure Therapy - Auto-CPAP-Bi-level500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003064DAI 500.30.64 Patients With Special Health Needs 01-11-21500.30.64Patients With Special Health Needs500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003065DAI 500.30.65 Inmate Patients With Alcohol and Other Drug Problems 03-30-15500.30.65Inmate Patients With Alcohol and Other Drug Problems500 | Heath Services03/30/15Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003066DAI 500.30.66 Intoxication and Withdrawal 05-29-24500.30.66Intoxication and Withdrawal500 | Heath Services05/29/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003067DAI 500.30.67 Continuity and Coordination of Care During Incarceration 12-16-24500.30.67Continuity and Coordination of Care During Incarceration500 | Heath Services12/16/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003069DAI 500.30.69 Oxygen Therapy 12-16-24500.30.69Oxygen Therapy500 | Heath Services12/16/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003069AttachmentADAI 500.30.69 Attachment A Six Minute Walk Test 12-16-24500.30.69Attachment A Six Minute Walk Test500 | Heath Services12/16/2024Inmate/StaffDAIYes
5003070DAI 500.30.70 Unattended Sleep Studies 12-09-24500.30.70Unattended Sleep Studies500 | Heath Services12/09/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003070AttachmentADAI 500.30.70 Attachment A - Unattended Sleep Diagram 04-01-17500.30.70Attachment A - Unattended Sleep Diagram500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5003071DAI 500.30.71 Contraception 01-25-21500.30.71Contraception500 | Heath Services01/25/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003072(E)DAI 500.30.72(E) Nursing Vital Signs Referral Parameters (EMR) 12-08-17500.30.72(E)Nursing Vital Signs Referral Parameters (EMR)500 | Heath Services12/08/17Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003101DAI 500.31.01 Prevention and Treatment of Intradialytic Hypotension 04-20-18500.31.01Prevention and Treatment of Intradialytic Hypotension500 | Heath Services04/20/18StaffDAINo
5003102DAI 500.31.02 Fall Risk Assessment Within the Hemodialysis Unit 04-20-18 500.31.02Fall Risk Assessment Within the Hemodialysis Unit500 | Heath Services04/20/18StaffDAINo
5003104DAI 500.31.04 Cannulation of the New Graft 12-23-24500.31.04Cannulation of the New Graft500 | Heath Services12/23/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003105DAI 500.31.05 Epoetin Alfa Administration in Dialysis 01-10-13500.31.05Epoetin Alfa Administration in Dialysis500 | Heath Services01/10/13StaffDAINo
5003106DAI 500.31.06 Transfer of Dialysate Acid Bath from 55 Gallon Drums to Bulk Tanks 01-10-13500.31.06Transfer of Dialysate Acid Bath from 55 Gallon Drums to Bulk Tanks500 | Heath Services01/10/13StaffDAINo
5003107DAI 500.31.07 Mixing of Bicarb Sol and Disinfection of the Bicarb Mixer and Containers 03-05-13500.31.07Mixing of Bicarb Sol and Disinfection of the Bicarb Mixer and Containers500 | Heath Services03/05/13StaffDAINo
5003108DAI 500.31.08 Exercise During Hemodialysis 05-06-13500.31.08Exercise During Hemodialysis500 | Heath Services05/06/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003109DAI 500.31.09 Assessing the Exit Site 06-03-13500.31.09Assessing the Exit Site500 | Heath Services06/03/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003112DAI 500.31.12 Peritoneal Dialysis Inmate Patient Training and Ongoing Monitoring 08-07-13500.31.12Peritoneal Dialysis Inmate Patient Training and Ongoing Monitoring500 | Heath Services08/07/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003113DAI 500.31.13 Initiation of Hemodialysis via Central Line Catheter 12-23-24500.31.13Initiation of Hemodialysis via Central Line Catheter500 | Heath Services12/23/24StaffDAINo
5003115DAI 500.31.15 Disposal of Peritoneal Dialysis Effluent and Medical Supplies 06-03-13500.31.15Disposal of Peritoneal Dialysis Effluent and Medical Supplies500 | Heath Services06/03/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003116DAI 500.31.16 Dialysis Continuous Quality Improvement Program 06-03-13500.31.16Dialysis Continuous Quality Improvement Program500 | Heath Services06/03/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003117DAI 500.31.17 Adequacy Testing for Peritoneal Dialysis 06-26-13500.31.17Adequacy Testing for Peritoneal Dialysis500 | Heath Services06/26/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003118DAI 500.31.18 Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Exchange 06-26-13500.31.18Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Exchange500 | Heath Services06/26/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003119DAI 500.31.19 Continuous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis Exchange 06-26-13500.31.19Continuous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis Exchange500 | Heath Services06/26/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003120DAI 500.31.20 Contamination of Catheter or Other Sterile Supplies 06-26-13500.31.20Contamination of Catheter or Other Sterile Supplies500 | Heath Services06/26/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003121DAI 500.31.21 Warming Method For Dialysate 06-26-13500.31.21Warming Method For Dialysate500 | Heath Services06/26/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003122DAI 500.31.22 Nursing Coverage for Peritoneal Services 06-26-13500.31.22Nursing Coverage for Peritoneal Services500 | Heath Services06/26/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003123DAI 500.31.23 Early and Chronic Care of the Exit Site 08-07-13500.31.23Early and Chronic Care of the Exit Site500 | Heath Services08/07/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003124DAI 500.31.24 Peritoneal Equilibration Test 08-07-13 500.31.24Peritoneal Equilibration Test500 | Heath Services08/07/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003125DAI 500.31.25 Pause Exchange Procedure 08-07-13500.31.25Pause Exchange Procedure500 | Heath Services08/07/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003126DAI 500.31.26 Extension Set Change 08-07-13500.31.26Extension Set Change500 | Heath Services08/07/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003127DAI 500.31.27 Irrigating the Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter 09-11-13500.31.27Irrigating the Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter500 | Heath Services09/11/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003128DAI 500.31.28 Crit-Line Monitor 11-04-13500.31.28Crit-Line Monitor500 | Heath Services11/04/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003129DAI 500.31.29 Infectious Complications 10-01-16500.31.29Infectious Complications500 | Heath Services10/01/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003131DAI 500.31.31 Isolation for Hepatitis B Virus 05-12-14500.31.31Isolation for Hepatitis B Virus500 | Heath Services05/12/14Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003132DAI 500.31.32 Dialysis Adequacy 06-23-14500.31.32Dialysis Adequacy500 | Heath Services06/23/14StaffDAINo
5003133DAI 500.31.33 Access Flow Studies 05-06-15500.31.33Access Flow Studies500 | Heath Services05/06/15Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003134DAI 500.31.34 Repair of the Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter 06-22-15500.31.34Repair of the Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter500 | Heath Services06/22/15Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003135DAI 500.31.35 Phoenix Meter 08-20-18500.31.35Phoenix Meter500 | Heath Services08/20/18Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003136DAI 500.31.36 Anticoagulation Therapy During Hemodialysis 10-01-18500.31.36Anticoagulation Therapy During Hemodialysis500 | Heath Services10/01/18Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003137DAI 500.31.37 Dialysis Services Referral-Admission 09-01-16500.31.37Dialysis Services Referral/Admission500 | Heath Services09/01/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
5003138DAI 500.31.38 DCI Water Distribution System Disinfection 12-23-24500.31.38DCI Water Distribution System Disinfection500 | Heath Services12/23/24StaffDAINo
5004002DAI 500.40.02 Triage of Dental Service Requests and Prioritizing Appointments 04-08-24500.40.02Triage of Dental Service Requests and Prioritizing Appointments500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5004002AttachmentADAI 500.40.02 Attachment A - DSR With Pain Symptoms 06-15-16500.40.02Attachment A - DSR With Pain Symptoms500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004002AttachmentBDAI 500.40.02 Attachment B - DSR From Restrictive Housing 06-15-16500.40.02Attachment B - DSR From Restrictive Housing500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004003DAI 500.40.03 Dental Record Keeping Standard Format 12-16-24500.40.03Dental Record Keeping Standard Format500 | Heath Services12/16/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5004003AttachmentADAI 500.40.03 Dental Record Keeping Standard Format - Attachment A - Abbreviations 04-23-14 500.40.03Attachment A - Dental Record Keeping Standard Format - Abbreviations500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004003AttachmentCDAI 500.40.03 Dental Record Keeping Standard Format - Attachment C - DSR Standard Rubber Stamp 12-27-12500.40.03Attachment C - Dental Record Keeping Standard Format - DSR Standard Rubber Stamp500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004005DAI 500.40.05 Preventive Dental Hygiene Services 04-15-19500.40.05Preventive Dental Hygiene Services500 | Heath Services04/15/19Inmate/StaffDAINo
5004006DAI 500.40.06 Routine Dental Treatments 04-01-24500.40.06Routine Dental Treatments500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5004016DAI 500.40.16 Dental Radiation Procedure and Safety 04-23-14500.40.16Dental Radiation Procedure and Safety500 | Heath Services04/23/14Inmate/StaffDAINo
5004016AttachmentADAI 500.40.16 Attachment A- Dental Radiation Procedure and Safety - Guide for X-Ray Proc for Dental Facilities 04-20-18500.40.16Attachment A - Dental Radiation Procedure and Safety - Guide for X-Ray Proc for Dental Facilities500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004016AttachmentBDAI 500.40.16 Attachment B - Safe Radiographic Practices 12-05-12500.40.16Attachment B - Safe Radiographic Practices500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004016AttachmentCDAI 500.40.16 Attachment C - Dental Radiation Procedure and Safety - Infection Control for Digital Radiography 12-05-12500.40.16Attachment C - Dental Radiation Procedure and Safety - Infection Control for Digital Radiography500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004018DAI 500.40.18 Dental Tool-Sharps-Toxic Products Control and Count 12-16-24500.40.18Dental Tool-Sharps-Toxic Products Control and Count500 | Heath Services12/16/24StaffDAINo
5004019DAI 500.40.19 Personal Protective Equipment for Dental Staff 04-01-24500.40.19Personal Protective Equipment for Dental Staff500 | Heath Services04/01/24StaffDAINo
5004020DAI 500.40.20 Dental Classification Report 12-16-24500.40.20Dental Classification Report500 | Heath Services12/16/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5004021DAI 500.40.21 Dental Performance Data and Dashboard Management 12-23-24500.40.21Dental Performance Data and Dashboard Management500 | Heath Services12/23/24StaffDAINo
5004025DAI 500.40.25 Dental Exposure Control Plan and Hazard Communication 12-16-24500.40.25Dental Exposure Control Plan and Hazard Communication500 | Heath Services12/16/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5004025AttachmentADAI 500.40.25 Attachment A - Dental Exposure Control Plan and Hazard Communication - Dental Exp Control Plan 04-23-14500.40.25Attachment A - Dental Exposure Control Plan and Hazard Communication - Dental Exp Control Plan500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004025AttachmentBDAI 500.40.25 Attachment B - Dental Exposure Control Plan and Hazard Communication - Exposure by Job Classification 04-20-14500.40.25Attachment B - Dental Exposure Control Plan and Hazard Communication - Exposure by Job Classification500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004025AttachmentCDAI 500.40.25 Attachment C - Dental Exposure Control Plan and Hazard Communication - How to Read MSDS 04-20-14500.40.25Attachment C - Dental Exposure Control Plan and Hazard Communication - How to Read MSDS500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004026DAI 500.40.26 Hazardous Dental Waste Management 12-09-24500.40.26Hazardous Dental Waste Management500 | Heath Services12/09/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5004026AttachmentDAI 500.40.26 Attachment - Waste Disposal Chart 02-15-17500.40.26Attachment - Waste Disposal Chart500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004027DAI 500.40.27 Infection Control in the Dental Practice 10-23-23500.40.27Infection Control in the Dental Practice500 | Heath Services10/23/23StaffDAINo
5004027AttachmentADAI 500.40.27 Attachment A - Ultrasonic Cleaner Foil Testing Procedure 04-23-14500.40.27Attachment A - Ultrasonic Cleaner Foil Testing Procedure500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004027AttachmentBDAI 500.40.27 Attachment B - Tuttnauer Operator Manual UL  04-23-14500.40.27Attachment B - Tuttnauer Operator Manual UL500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004027AttachmentCDAI 500.40.27 Attachment C - Instructions for Weekly Biologic Monitoring 04-23-14500.40.27Attachment C - Instructions for Weekly Biologic Monitoring500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004028DAI 500.40.28 Dental Unit Waterline Maintenance and Monitoring 11-21-23500.40.28Dental Unit Waterline Maintenance and Monitoring500 | Heath Services11/21/23StaffDAINo
5004028AttachmentADAI 500.40.28 Attachment A - DentaPure Installation Instructions 06-08-15500.40.28Attachment A - DentaPure Installation Instructions500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004028AttachmentBDAI 500.40.28 Attachment B - DentaPure Instructions for Use 06-08-15500.40.28Attachment B - DentaPure Instructions for Use500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004028AttachmentCDAI 500.40.28 Attachment C - Waterline Test Service Instructions 06-08-15500.40.28Attachment C - Waterline Test Service Instructions500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5004028AttachmentEDAI 500.40.28 Attachment E - 1 to 10 Solution Shock Disinfection and Air Purging Procedures 06-08-15500.40.28Attachment E - 1 to 10 Solution Shock Disinfection and Air Purging Procedures500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005001DAI 500.50.01 Minimum Necessary and Duty to Mitigate HIPAA Standards 08-31-20500.50.01Minimum Necessary and Duty to Mitigate HIPAA Standards500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005002DAI 500.50.02 Health Care Record Format Content and Documentation 01-11-21500.50.02Health Care Record Format Content and Documentation500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005002AttachmentDDAI 500.50.02 Attachment D - Moving Contents of PRF to DMI 01-17-17500.50.02Attachment D - Moving Contents of PRF to DMI500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005006DAI 500.50.06 Management of DOC Health Care Records 09-11-24500.50.06Management of DOC Health Care Records500 | Heath Services09/11/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005007DAI 500.50.07 Records Retention-Disposition Authorizations 09-15-16500.50.07Records Retention/Disposition Authorizations500 | Heath Services09/15/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005007AttachmentADAI 500.50.07 Attachment - Methods of Records Destruction 09-15-16500.50.07Attachment - Methods of Records Destruction500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005008DAI 500.50.08 Access by PIOC  to Their Health Care Records 09-07-23500.50.08Access by PIOC  to Their Health Care Records500 | Heath Services09/07/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005008AttachmentADAI 500.50.08 Attachment A - Example of Redacted Document 08-25-14500.50.08Attachment A - Example of Redacted Document500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005008AttachmentBDAI 500.50.08 Attachment B - Redacting Instructions 08-25-14500.50.08Attachment B - Redacting Instructions500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005009DAI 500.50.09 Disclosure of Protected Health Information with Inmate Patient Authorization and Court Orders 11-24-14500.50.09Disclosure of Protected Health Information with Inmate Patient Authorization and Court Orders500 | Heath Services11/24/14Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005009AttachmentBDAI 500.50.09 Attachment B - Review of Authorization Worksheet 08-25-14500.50.09Attachment B - Review of Authorization Worksheet500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005009AttachmentCDAI 500.50.09 Attachment C -  Ind With Right to Access and Auth Disc of Health Info 08-25-14500.50.09Attachment C -  Ind With Right to Access and Auth Disc of Health Info500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005009AttachmentDDAI 500.50.09 Attachment D - Records Sent to DDB 08-25-14500.50.09Attachment D - Records Sent to DDB500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005009AttachmentEDAI 500.50.09 Attachment E - Redacting Instructions 08-25-14500.50.09Attachment E - Redacting Instructions500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005010DAI 500.50.10 Authorized Disclosure of Protected Health Information without Inmate Patient Authorization 08-25-14500.50.10Authorized Disclosure of Protected Health Information without Inmate Patient Authorization500 | Heath Services08/25/14Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005010AttachmentADAI 500.50.10 Attachment A - Disclosure of Protected Health Information for Workers Compensation Claim 08-25-14500.50.10Attachment A - Disclosure of Protected Health Information for Workers Compensation Claim500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005010AttachmentBDAI 500.50.10 Attachment B - Permitted Disclosures Regarding AODA Information 08-25-14500.50.10Attachment B - Permitted Disclosures Regarding AODA Information500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005010AttachmentCDAI 500.50.10 Attachment C - De-identification of PHI 08-25-14500.50.10Attachment C - De-identification of PHI500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005010AttachmentDDAI 500.50.10 Attachment D - Required Recording Logging 08-25-14500.50.10Attachment D - Required Recording Logging500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005012DAI 500.50.12 Request for Alternative Communication of Protected Health Information 09-16-13500.50.12Request for Alternative Communication of Protected Health Information500 | Heath Services09/16/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005013DAI 500.50.13 Request to Restrict Use-Disclosure of Protected Health Information 09-16-13500.50.13Request to Restrict Use/Disclosure of Protected Health Information500 | Heath Services09/16/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005014DAI 500.50.14 Request to Amend or Correct Protected Health Information 05-01-16500.50.14Request to Amend or Correct Protected Health Information500 | Heath Services05/01/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005015DAI 500.50.15 Request for Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information 09-16-13500.50.15Request for Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information500 | Heath Services09/16/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005016DAI 500.50.16 Consent or Refusal for Recording and Imaging 09-16-13500.50.16Consent or Refusal for Recording and Imaging500 | Heath Services09/16/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005017DAI 500.50.17 Inmate Complaints_Employee Breach Reports - Violations of Conf. of Inmate Health Info 05-01-16500.50.17Inmate Complaints and Employee Breach Reports Alleging Violations of Confidentiality of Inmate Health Information500 | Heath Services05/01/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005017AttachmentDAI 500.50.17 Attachment - Penalties for Violating Privacy Laws Governing Health Information 05-01-16500.50.17Attachment - Penalties for Violating Privacy Laws Governing Health Information500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5005019DAI 500.50.19 Requests For Protected Health Information From Off-Site Health Care Providers 01-17-24500.50.19Requests For Protected Health Information From Off-Site Health Care Providers500 | Heath Services01/17/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005021DAI 500.50.21 Confidentiality of Health Care Record 08-06-24500.50.21Confidentiality of Health Care Record500 | Heath Services08/06/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5005022DAI 500.50.22 Search Procedures for Missing Active Health Care Records and Creation of Replacement Records 08-22-13500.50.22Search Procedures for Missing Active Health Care Records and Creation of Replacement Records500 | Heath Services08/22/13Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006001DAI 500.60.01 Infection Prevention and Control Program 01-17-24500.60.01Infection Prevention and Control Program500 | Heath Services01/17/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006002DAI 500.60.02 Tuberculosis Control Program PIOC 03-25-24500.60.02Tuberculosis Control Program PIOC500 | Heath Services03/25/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006004DAI 500.60.04 Immunization Program 09-11-24500.60.04Immunization Program500 | Heath Services09/11/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006004AttachmentDAI 500.60.04 Attachment - Immunization Schedule 05-01-16 500.60.04Attachment - Immunization Schedule500 | Heath Services*** N/A ***DAIYes
5006005DAI 500.60.05 HIV Testing 01-17-24500.60.05HIV Testing500 | Heath Services01/17/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006008DAI 500.60.08 MRSA Skin and Soft Tissue Infections 12-16-24500.60.08MRSA Skin and Soft Tissue Infections500 | Heath Services12/16/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006010DAI 500.60.10 External Reporting of Communicable Disease 04-08-24500.60.10External Reporting of Communicable Disease500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006011DAI 500.60.11 Food-Borne and Water-Borne Illness Outbreak 11-21-23500.60.11Food-Borne and Water-Borne Illness Outbreak500 | Heath Services11/21/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006012DAI 500.60.12 Infection Control through Hand Washing and Hand Sanitation 04-01-24500.60.12Infection Control through Hand Washing and Hand Sanitation500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006013DAI 500.60.13 Airborne-Droplet Infections 04-08-24500.60.13Airborne-Droplet Infections500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006014DAI 500.60.14 Ectoparasite Control 12-16-24500.60.14Ectoparasite Control500 | Heath Services12/16/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006015DAI 500.60.15 Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Program 08-31-23500.60.15Health Care Worker Influenza Vaccination Program500 | Heath Services08/31/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006016DAI 500.60.16 Influenza Management 11-21-23500.60.16Influenza Management500 | Heath Services11/21/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006017DAI 500.60.17 Significant Exposure Management - Patient 08-31-20500.60.17Significant Exposure Management - Patient500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5006021DAI 500.60.21 Respiratory Illness Management 12-16-24500.60.21Respiratory Illness Management500 | Heath Services12/16/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007001DAI 500.70.01 Mental Health Screening Assessment and Referral 04-01-24500.70.01Mental Health Screening Assessment and Referral500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007002DAI 500.70.02 Mental Health Training 02-03-25500.70.02Mental Health Training500 | Heath Services02/03/25StaffDAINo
5007003DAI 500.70.03 On-Call Mental Health Services 01-17-24500.70.03On-Call Mental Health Services500 | Heath Services01/17/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007004DAI 500.70.04 Psychological Input to Security Decisions 10-23-23500.70.04Psychological Input to Security Decisions500 | Heath Services10/23/23StaffDAINo
5007005DAI 500.70.05 Mental Health Treatment - Crisis Services 04-01-24500.70.05Mental Health Treatment - Crisis Services500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007006DAI 500.70.06 Consent for Mental Health Services 06-06-16500.70.06Consent for Mental Health Services500 | Heath Services06/06/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007007DAI 500.70.07 Psychiatric Treatment 01-11-21500.70.07Psychiatric Treatment500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007008DAI 500.70.08 Wisconsin Resource Center Transfers 12-02-24500.70.08Wisconsin Resource Center Transfers500 | Heath Services12/02/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007009DAI 500.70.09 State Treatment Facility Transfers 05-14-18500.70.09State Treatment Facility Transfers500 | Heath Services05/14/18StaffDAINo
5007010DAI 500.70.10 Mechanical Restraints 06-27-24500.70.10Mechanical Restraints500 | Heath Services06/27/24StaffDAINo
5007011DAI 500.70.11 Psychological Services Unit Record 12-01-16500.70.11Psychological Services Unit Record500 | Heath Services12/01/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007012DAI 500.70.12 Psychological Service Requests 01-11-16500.70.12Psychological Service Requests500 | Heath Services01/11/16Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007014DAI 500.70.14 Mental Health Multidisciplinary Teams 04-08-24500.70.14Mental Health Multidisciplinary Teams500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007016DAI 500.70.16 Mental Health Treatment - General Population 09-11-24500.70.16Mental Health Treatment - General Population500 | Heath Services09/11/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007017DAI 500.70.17 Mental Health Treatment - Special Units 12-02-24500.70.17Mental Health Treatment - Special Units500 | Heath Services12/02/24StaffDAINo
5007018DAI 500.70.18 Mental Health Treatment - Restrictive Housing 05-13-24500.70.18Mental Health Treatment - Restrictive Housing500 | Heath Services05/13/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007019DAI 500.70.19 Mental Health Treatment Plans 08-31-20500.70.19Mental Health Treatment Plans500 | Heath Services08/31/20Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007020DAI 500.70.20 Organization and Priorities of Psychological Services 01-25-21500.70.20Organization and Priorities of Psychological Services500 | Heath Services01/25/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007022DAI 500.70.22 Dual Commitment Placement 12-16-24500.70.22Dual Commitment Placement500 | Heath Services12/16/24StaffDAINo
5007023DAI 500.70.23 Dual Diagnosis Referrals 10-06-17500.70.23Dual Diagnosis Referrals500 | Heath Services10/06/17StaffDAINo
5007024DAI 500.70.24 Clinical Observation 07-13-21500.70.24Clinical Observation500 | Heath Services07/13/21StaffDAINo
5007025DAI 500.70.25 Suicide Prevention in Adult Correctional Facilities 01-25-21500.70.25Suicide Prevention in Adult Correctional Facilities500 | Heath Services01/25/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007026DAI 500.70.26 Review for Housing Consistent with Gender Identity 05-29-24500.70.26Review for Housing Consistent with Gender Identity500 | Heath Services05/29/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007027DAI 500.70.27 Transgender Inmates 02-03-25500.70.27Transgender Inmates500 | Heath Services02/03/25Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007028DAI 500.70.28 Psychological Review for Minimum Security 12-02-24500.70.28Psychological Review for Minimum Security500 | Heath Services12/02/24StaffDAINo
5007029DAI 500.70.29 Mental Health Release Planning 01-25-21500.70.29Mental Health Release Planning500 | Heath Services01/25/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5007030DAI 500.70.30 Behavior Management Plans 01-25-21500.70.30Behavior Management Plans500 | Heath Services01/25/21StaffDAINo
5007031DAI 500.70.31 Secure Residential Treatment Unit 05-01-17500.70.31Secure Residential Treatment Unit500 | Heath Services05/01/17Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008001DAI 500.80.01 Pharmaceutical Operations 08-31-23500.80.01Pharmaceutical Operations500 | Heath Services08/31/23Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008003DAI 500.80.03 Medication Reconciliation 12-16-24500.80.03Medication Reconciliation500 | Heath Services12/16/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008004DAI 500.80.04 Over the Counter Medications 04-01-24500.80.04Over the Counter Medications500 | Heath Services04/01/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008005DAI 500.80.05 Formulary - Approved Medications for Use 01-11-21500.80.05Formulary - Approved Medications for Use500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008006DAI 500.80.06 Obtaining Medications 12-23-24500.80.06Obtaining Medications500 | Heath Services12/23/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008007DAI 500.80.07 Labeling of Medications 12-09-24500.80.07Labeling of Medications500 | Heath Services12/09/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008008DAI 500.80.08 Medication Delivery and Training - Security 08-06-24500.80.08Medication Delivery and Training - Security500 | Heath Services08/06/24StaffDAINo
5008009DAI 500.80.09 Medication Delivery Administration and Training - Health Staff 08-06-24500.80.09Medication Delivery Administration and Training - Health Staff500 | Heath Services08/06/2024StaffDAINo
5008012DAI 500.80.12 Pharmaceutical Recycling and Waste Management 01-11-21500.80.12Pharmaceutical Recycling and Waste Management500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008014(E)DAI 500.80.14(E) Methadone-Buprenorphine Treatment (EMR) 11-01-17500.80.14(E)Methadone/Buprenorphine Treatment (EMR)500 | Heath Services11/01/17Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008015DAI 500.80.15 Transfer of Medication 01-11-21500.80.15Transfer of Medication500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008016DAI 500.80.16 Medication Occurrence Reporting 04-08-24500.80.16Medication Occurrence Reporting500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008018DAI 500.80.18 Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee 10-01-18500.80.18Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee500 | Heath Services10/01/18Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008019DAI 500.80.19 Emergency Medications and Antidotes 04-08-24500.80.19Emergency Medications and Antidotes500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008023DAI 500.80.23 Drug Enforcement Administration Controlled Substance Registration and Power of Attorney 01-17-24500.80.23Drug Enforcement Administration Controlled Substance Registration and Power of Attorney500 | Heath Services01/17/2024Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008024DAI 500.80.24 Medication-Medical Supply Refill Requests 12-09-24500.80.24Medication-Medical Supply Refill Requests500 | Heath Services12/09/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008025DAI 500.80.25 Medication Services 04-08-24500.80.25Medication Services500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008026DAI 500.80.26 Medication Adherence and Safety 01-11-21500.80.26Medication Adherence and Safety500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008027DAI 500.80.27 Non-Controlled Medication Program for Self-Medication 12-02-24500.80.27Non-Controlled Medication Program for Self-Medication500 | Heath Services12/02/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008028DAI 500.80.28 340 B Compliance 01-11-21500.80.28340 B Compliance500 | Heath Services01/11/21Inmate/StaffDAINo
5008029DAI 500.80.29 Medically supervised Withdrawal and Treatment 04-08-24500.80.29Medically supervised Withdrawal and Treatment500 | Heath Services04/08/24Inmate/StaffDAINo
6000001DAI 600.00.01 National Incident Management System in the Division of Adult Institutions 02-03-25600.00.01National Incident Management System in the Division of Adult Institutions600 | National Incident System - Incident Command System02/03/25StaffDAINo
6000002DAI 600.00.02 Emergency Operations Center 02-03-25600.00.02Emergency Operations Center600 | National Incident System - Incident Command System02/03/25StaffDAINo
6000003DAI 600.00.03 NIMS Coordinators 02-03-25600.00.03NIMS Coordinators600 | National Incident System - Incident Command System02/03/25StaffDAINo
6000004DAI 600.00.04 Incident Command Post 12-23-24600.00.04Incident Command Post600 | National Incident System - Incident Command System12/23/24StaffDAINo
6000005DAI 600.00.05 2-14-2022 TRAINING-INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM600.00.05Training-Incident Command System600 | National Incident System - Incident Command System2/14/2022StaffDAINo
6000006DAI 600.00.06 DOC Responder Use 02-03-25600.00.06DOC Responder Use600 | National Incident System - Incident Command System02/03/25StaffDAINo