General Information

General Info​​​​​​rmation

The DOC maintains a list of ADA Coordinators and Advisory Committee Ambassadors:

The Division of Adult Institutions recognizes the public's interest in accessing divisional policies and procedures. The policies provided on our website are intended only for informational purposes and are routinely updated to comply with changes to federal and state laws, Department procedures, and correctional best-practices. The division does not post policies that could compromise the security of a correctional facility. Policies are available on the DAI Policies page.

Information about Division of Adult Institutions programs can be found on the Office of Program Services webpages, where you will also find the Opportunities and Options Resource Guide that contains specific program details and a list of sites that currently provide each program.

Use the Inmate and Offender Search tool to locate a PIOC sentenced to state prison and currently housed within a DOC facility. If you cannot locate the PIOC you are inquiring about, they may be held in a city or county jail, which are administered separately from DOC facilities. You may contact the jail in the county or city of conviction to inquire or check VINELink

State of Wisconsin has a multi-vendor contract for hobby and property purchases. PIOC family and friends may purchase items from by contacting the following vendors:

Jack L Marcus

Union Supply

  • Order


  • Mailing Address:

    • Wisconsin Package Program
    • c/o Union Supply Direct
    • Dept. 500, P.O. Box 619059
    • Dallas, TX 75261-9059

  • Phone: (562) 361-5706

  • Fax: (310) 603-1188

  • Phone Hours:

    • Labor Day Hours: 6am - 3pm CST

    • Monday - Friday: 6am - 10pm CST

    • Saturday: 7am - 3pm CST

    • Sunday: Closed

PIOC in Reception Status at Dodge Correctional Institution may not order from or receive orders from the vendor until they are classified as General Population.

The Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) has videoconferencing capabilities for court hearings between persons in our care and the Wisconsin Court System. Court calls and virtual court appearances may be scheduled by contacting the Court Scheduler at the facility where the person is currently housed.

The Inmate and Offender Search tool may be used to locate a person in our care housed within a DOC facility. If you cannot locate the person you are inquiring about, they may be held in a city or county jail, which are administered separately from DOC facilities.

The Court Scheduler List may be used to identify the designated facility contact.  MARCH 2025 Court Schedulers.pdf​​​​

Request shall be made at least two working days prior to the scheduled appearance. Each facility has different schedules and availability of equipment.

DOC is in the process of transitioning to the ICS tablet.  The schedule is suject to change but will strive to deploy ICS tablets at a few sites each month. The goal is to have all sites deployed with ICS tablets by the early part of 2025.  You can read more about this change in service and the roll-out schedule here (Spanish version).  ​A Getting Out account will be used to send electronic messages and photos to PIOCs with an ICS tablet.  A CorrLinks account will continue to be used to send electronic messages to those with the ATG tablet. The cost to send an electronic message whether using CorrLinks or Gettingout is $0.15 per message. The messaging service is similar to an email service. It is not "instant messaging." All messages are subject to review by DOC staf ffor appropriateness.  

Family & friends wanting to send electronic messages or photos to persons in our care (PIOC) with an ICS tablet will need to create a Getting Out account. There is no cost to create an account. Funds to send ICS messages and photos will be applied in the same manner as phone calls and video visits. Both parties must choose to accept the contact request before messaging will occur. Family & friends will need to download the Getting Out app or visit Click here for instructions on how to create an account (Spanish version). ICS provides three free weekly messages.  Unused messages for the week will not carry over in to the following week.

For those residents that have not transitioned and still have the Advanced Technology Group (ATG) tablet, refer to the CorrLinks website to create an account. Please note that only messages, not photos can be sent through Corrlinks.  After the site has deployed ICS tablets, CorrLinks messages will not be received or refunded.  PIOCs are responsible for sharing the ICS tablet deployment (go-live) date with their family & friends. 

Visit the CorrLinks website (ATG tablet) or (ICS tablet) for more information. From either website, you can register for a new account, log in, and choose to accept or reject a contact request. Terms and conditions, FAQs and customer support are available.

We highly recommend not purchasing ATG tablet as we are preparing sites for this transition to the new tablet program. Each PIOC will be issued an ICS tablet for use while residing in an adult faciilty.   

A person in our care's full name and DOC number must be included on all mail. Mailing addresses differ, depending on the type of mail. Visit the Money, Mail, & Property page for general rules and facility mailing addresses.  

Family/friends have several options for sending money to a person in our care, including via internet, phone, walk-in, and mail. Visit the Money, Mail, & Property page for specific rules for sending money to an inmate.

Persons in our care may only place outgoing calls; incoming calls are not allowed. ICSolutions is the contracted provider for the calling service and billing. ICSolutions can be contacted with questions at (877) 870-3259. Persons in our care are able to establish and fund their own calling accounts. Family or friends wishing to only accept collect calls will need to establish a pre-paid account. Family and friends may set up pre-paid accounts on the website or by calling ICSolutions at (888) 506-8407. Any issues with payment and billing is to be referred to ICSolutions. 

Both in- and out-of-state calls will be charged at a flat rate of $.06 plus applicable fees and taxes. International call rates will vary depending on the country called. International calls are debit only.

Review DAIs Visiting Information page, as well as facility-specific visiting documents available on each institution/center page. 

The Division of Adult Institutions recognizes the valuable contribution community volunteers make to PIOC rehabilitation efforts. Volunteers perform tens of thousands of service hours in DAI facilities every year. They assist with a many types of PIOC programming such as self-help groups, education tutoring, pastoral visits, religious programming, job fairs, and recreation activities. Volunteers serve as positive role models for PIOCs and help bridge the gap between prison facilities and the community.

Working with PIOCs can be a very rewarding experience. Persons interested in volunteering in a Wisconsin prison should contact the facility Volunteer Coordinator to learn about available opportunities, and to begin the screening process.

DAI provides comprehensive training and supervision for volunteers, to enhance facility security and public safety, and to address the unique challenges of working with PIOCs. The volunteer orientation manual serves as an educational tool and reference for this training. Volunteers are strongly encouraged to direct questions or concerns to their facility Volunteer Advisor or Volunteer Coordinator, to ensure that issues are promptly resolved.

PIOC Classification and Transfers

PIOC requests for transfer to a correctional system outside of Wisconsin are restricted by State statute, Interstate Corrections Compact requirements, and U.S. treaties. The operational needs of participating agencies relative to incarcerating the person in our care are a primary consideration when evaluating requests. Transfers must be mutually agreed upon by all participating agencies.

BOCM classification and Parole Commission actions are independent processes with distinct decision authority; however, the two often work cooperatively to implement their individual missions.

The Division of Adult Institutions Bureau of Offender Classification and Movement (BOCM) is responsible for the secure placement of persons in our care within and movement between DAI facilities. Upon arrival at a DAI intake facility, BOCM uses a method of classification to evaluate PIOC security risk. That risk classification is used, in combination with assessed program needs, sentence structure, bed space, and a variety of other factors, to determine facility assignment. Following initial classification, all PIOCs are reviewed at 12-month intervals (or sooner, as needed) and adjustments are made when appropriate.

The Parole Commission is responsible for the review and release of eligible PIOCs to the community on parole. Visit the Parole Commission webpage for more information.

All persons in our care are assigned a facility social worker who is familiar with the PIOCs on their caseload and is able to answer most questions about a PIOC's case. Technical questions regarding specific classification procedures should be addressed to the BOCM offender classification specialist at the facility where the PIOC is located.