DOC is in the process of transitioning to the ICS tablet. The schedule is suject to change but will strive to deploy ICS tablets at a few sites each month. The goal is to have all sites deployed with ICS tablets by the early part of 2025. You can read more about this change in service and the roll-out schedule
here (Spanish version). A Getting Out account will be used to send electronic messages and photos to PIOCs with an ICS tablet. A CorrLinks account will continue to be used to send electronic messages to those with the ATG tablet. The cost to send an electronic message whether using CorrLinks or Gettingout is $0.15 per message. The messaging service is similar to an email service. It is not "instant messaging." All messages are subject to review by DOC staf ffor appropriateness.
Family & friends wanting to send electronic messages or photos to persons in our care (PIOC) with an ICS tablet will need to create a Getting Out account. There is no cost to create an account. Funds to send ICS messages and photos will be applied in the same manner as phone calls and video visits. Both parties must choose to accept the contact request before messaging will occur. Family & friends will need to download the Getting Out app or visit
here for instructions on how to create an account (Spanish version). ICS provides three free weekly messages. Unused messages for the week will not carry over in to the following week.
For those residents that have not transitioned and still have the Advanced Technology Group (ATG) tablet, refer to the
CorrLinks website to create an account. Please note that only messages, not photos can be sent through Corrlinks. After the site has deployed ICS tablets, CorrLinks messages will not be received or refunded. PIOCs are responsible for sharing the ICS tablet deployment (go-live) date with their family & friends.
Visit the CorrLinks website (ATG tablet) or (ICS tablet) for more information. From either website, you can register for a new account, log in, and choose to accept or reject a contact request. Terms and conditions, FAQs and customer support are available.
We highly recommend not purchasing ATG tablet as we are preparing sites for this transition to the new tablet program. Each PIOC will be issued an ICS tablet for use while residing in an adult faciilty.