Division of Adult Institutions

Shannon Butcher​, Administrator

Angela Hansen, Assistant Administrator
Paul Kemper, Assistant Administrator

P.O. Box 7925
Madison, WI 53707-7925
(608) 240-5104 Office
(608) 240-3310 Fax

This Division of Adult Institutions (DAI) supervises more than 20,000 persons in our care (PIOC) who have been sentenced by a court to a term of incarceration or re-incarceration due to revocation of their community supervision placement.

D​AI protects the public through secure and humane treatment of individuals who have been committed to its custody and affords PI​OC the opportunity to gain skills and insight into their criminal behavior that are needed to support a crime-free life upon release to the community.

The Division oversees 36 adult correctional facilities and three bureaus.

DAI Bureaus and Offices
Office of Management and BudgetWendy Monfils, Director
Bureau of Correctional EnterprisesWesley Ray, Director
Bureau of Health ServicesJessica Gross​, Director of Healthcare Administration
Bureau of Offender Classification and MovementJason Benzel, Director
Office of Program ServicesRebecca Heth, Director
Security ChiefJacob Cirian

Additional Resources

Department History
A history of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections

Inmate and Offender Search
Provides public information on convicted offenders who are in DOC custody or on DOC community supervision.

General Information
Provides answers to commonly asked questions from PIOC, their friends, and families.

DAI Policies
Division of Adult Institutions policies and attachments

DOC Administrative Code
Links to the Wisconsin Legislature's index of Department of Corrections (DOC) Administrative Code​