Corrections Reform


Corrections Reform 

These initiatives rely on research in expanding the use of evidence-based practices (EPB) to improve the effectiveness of our interventions and programming fo​​​​​r Persons in Our Care by implementing safe alternatives to incarceration when possible, using strategies and finding opportunities within DOC that do not rely on bi-partisan criminal justice reform.


High incarceration rates come at a cost to those in our care, their loved ones and to the taxpayers of Wisconsin. Our initiatives in this area will assist in safely reducing the number of incarcerated individuals in our state, reduce the collateral consequences of conviction and address racial disparities in our system. With a focus on finding research to support all current and future work, we will seek to expand the use of evidence-b​ased practices to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our work at every level.  We will also work to improve conditions inside our institutions, increase the effectiveness of our interventions and programming for those in our care, and implement safe alternatives to incarceration whenever possible.​​​ 


  • Continued implementing the Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake Schools consent decree, eliminating the use of pepper spray, restrictive housing and punitive confinement of youth

  • Facilitated the Act 185 Grants Committee to select four counties for Secure Residential Care Center for Children & Youth (SRCCCY) grant funding in partnership with DCF

  • Implemented policy changes related to the supervision of clients that are designed to increase efficiency and safely lower the number of revocations, which make up a large part of the institution population

  • Expanded opportunities for treatment and early release and implemented Substance Use Disorder/Earned Release programs at Stanley Correctional Institution, Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution, Jackson Correctional Institution and New Lisbon Correctional Institution


Interactive data dashboards provide a visual display of key data metrics. They allow users to filter for various characteristics (e.g., gender, age, etc.) to view data in greater detail than what might be available in a static report.

Restrictive Housing: Disciplinary Separation and Administrative Confi​nement Dashboards

These dashboards provide insight into episodes of restrictive housing (both disciplinary separation and administrative confinement) for Persons in our Care (PIOC). The goal of these dashboards is to track the success of the Department's reform initiatives as it relates to restrictive housing practices in order to improve outcomes for both staff and PIOC.

Persons in our Care Assaults on Staff Dashboard​ and Youth Assaults on Staff Dashboard

The safety and security of our staff and PIOC is the DOC's highest priority. Every attempted and completed assault has a unique impact on the individuals involved. The data presented is not intended to quantify any of the physical or psychological effects of assaults on staff. Through tracking and analyzing this data, we continue to evolve operations to improve safety and security at every opportunity. 

Revocations and Other Responses to Violations Dashboards​​ 

The Revocations and Other Responses to Violations interactive dashboards allow users to examine revocation rates and trends. The data presented on these dashboards includes all revocations, the primary reasons for revocations and other responses to violations, such as sanctions and alternatives to revocations (ATRS).


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​​*Data will be updated monthly
**Data will be updated annually