Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility

RYOCF Photo Front Entrance

Je'Leslie Taylor,

1501 Albert St.
Racine, WI 53404-0001 
(262) 638-1999
(262) 638-1777 Fax


Visiting Information:​
English or Spanish                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RYOCF Visiting Vending Machines 03-2025.pdf

Inmate Handbook:

Purpose Statement

The purpose of the Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility (RYOCF) is the care and custody of male offenders, ages 18 through 24, who have been committed to the DOC through the adult courts. The institution shall provide effective security, meaningful programs, and accessible, quality health care.  RYOCF shall also provide a safe and caring environment for staff, offenders, and visitors; one which fosters positive, professional relationships amongst staff, between staff and offenders, and between the institution and the community.  The institution will promote personal responsibility and learning for offenders.

Institution Information

RYOCF is the first major Wisconsin correctional institution in the heart of an urban area and the first in Wisconsin designated specifically for a particular age group within medium-security.  The secure perimeter includes two housing units, each containing 120 cells for 450 offenders.  There is also a 27 bed Restrictive Housing unit.  In addition to the living units, the physical plant includes a visiting room; multi-purpose room/chapel; meeting rooms and staff offices; health services and education areas; a recreation field and a gymnasium; as well as a support building that houses Career Technical Education, food service programs, laundry and warehouse space.  An additional building, adjacent to the physical plant, is home to buildings and grounds maintenance operations and a Conference\Training Center.