Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility

MSDF Building Photo

Steven R. Johnson,

1015 N. 10th St. 
Milwaukee, WI 53205-0740
(414) 212-3535​

Visiting Information:

Inmate Handbook:
English​ or Spanish​​​

Purpose Statement

The mission of Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility (MSDF) is to protect the public, through the detention in a safe and secure environment, adults who are on community supervision.  MSDF is committed to the successful reintegration of the Persons in Our Care (PIOC) back to the community.  This is achieved by focusing on accountability, programming and collaboration with community partners.

MSDF strives to promote an atmosphere of high standards for staff recruitment and retention, staff development and professionalism and shared leadership and responsibility among all staff.  Staff are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards and work as a team to succeed.  Staff, PIOC and the public will be treated with dignity and respect, and with recognition given to individual ideas and opinions.

Institution Information

The Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility (MSDF)​​​ is an adult medium security facility which is set in downtown Milwaukee.  The facility opened in October 2001 and was initially supervised under the Division of Community Corrections (DCC).  Shortly after opening, in December 2001, the supervision was changed to be under the Division of Adult Institutions (DAI).  The mission and operations of the facility are much more in line with the philosophy of DAI.  While it is under DAI, the facility operates more along the lines of a large jail operation.  Unlike other DAI institutions, MSDF accepts PIOC 24-hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week.  There is an intake area where a PIOC is screened by a health care provider and someone from psychological services. 

MSDF holds a variety of classifications of PIOC.  PIOC on DCC probation, parole or extended supervision are in on a hold pending investigation of alleged violations.  It is the responsibility of the agent to conduct the investigation and make a determination as to the next step for the PIOC.  The agent can place the PIOC into a community based Alternative to Revocation such as a halfway house, temporary living placement or outpatient treatment.  The agent may also make the decision to give the PIOC a sanction which would be done in the institution.  The final option is to start the revocation process.  Each option listed above is initiated by the DCC agent in collaboration with their supervisor.  A PIOC who has been revoked and has under a year will stay at MSDF and start release planning for their return to Milwaukee.​

MSDF has a capacity of 1,040 PIOC.  The majority of the beds are designated for male PIOC, with 40 being designated for females. 

Program Opportunities

The Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility strives to deliver programming and collaborate with community resources to provide PIOC the best opportunities to succeed upon release and be a productive, safe and contributing member of society.  While at MSDF, PIOC can attend GED classes led by certified teachers.  Several have attained their full GED while staffed at MSDF.  In addition, there is limited programming available for eligible PIOC including short term sanction programming, Substance Use Disorders, Thinking for a Change and Domestic Violence.